SI Characters?

Also: GoldenBranchesOfTheTree

Also also: GoldenBlossomsOfTheTree

Forgetful God Methodology
Cost: 3m 1xp
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Savant Needs No Tutor Approach

Sometimes learning requires unlearning. This charm allows the user to give up the knowledge of a charm or Combo he no longer desires, opening the way to greater power. Using this charm requires one day of meditation. At the end of this day, the user removes the charm or Combo from their character sheet and gains experience equal to the amount spent on the charm or Combo. You may not use a charm if you have forgotten its prerequisite.

Ideal Contingency Approach
Cost: 10m 1wp
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Observant General Meditation, Unfailing Strategy Technique

The Solar's planning capabilities have grown so complete as to encompass even unexpected difficulties. Upon using this Charm, the Solar names an objective, and gains a number of boons equal to half his Lore, rounded up. As a simple action, the Solar may spend a boon generated by this Charm when confronted with an unexpected obstacle on the way to accomplishing said objective. His plan proves to already have taken this obstacle into account, and provides him with a perfect method of overcoming this obstacle. This perfect method is guaranteed to work if successfully executed and to require only resources immediately available; however, it is not necessarily the safest, easiest or most straightforward method. This is a boon-generating charm. Its duration continues until all boons generated with this charm have been spent; deactivating the charm early causes the loss of all boons so generated.

Ideal Contingency Approach (alternate version)
Cost: 3m 1wp
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Observant General's Meditation, Unfailing Strategy Technique

The Solar's planning capabilities have grown so complete as to encompass even unexpected difficulties. Upon using this Charm, the Solar immediately develops a perfect method of overcoming a single unexpected obstacle they have just encountered. This perfect method is guaranteed to work if successfully executed and to require only resources immediately available; however, it is not necessarily the safest, easiest or most straightforward method.

Troop-Arranging Doctrine
Cost: 1m/die
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Lore: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: None

The Solar has an intricate grasp of the methods of war. This Charm allows the Solar to buy dice for one Lore roll involving strategy or tactics.

Battle Flow Eye
Cost: n/a
Duration: n/a
Type: Permanent
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Troop-Arranging Prana

The Solar has refined their tactical awareness to such a degree that they now perceive the strengths and weaknesses in every situation at a glance. The Solar adds a number of dice equal to their Essence to any Lore roll involving strategy or tactics.

Fifty Efficacious Formations Methodology
Cost: 5m 1wp
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Observant General's Meditation, Battle Flow Eye

The Solar has mastered the intricate depths of strategy so necessary to war among Exalts. This Charm allows the Solar to arrange an army so as best to accomplish a particular goal. To activate this Charm, the Solar directs the disposition of an army, while naming a goal ("conquer Lookshy") and a metric, either a length of time ("within the week") or a number of acceptable casualties ("without losing a man"). While this Charm is active, the army proceeds inexorably towards accomplishing the goal within the stated metric. Note that some extreme metrics will not be feasible, while others may require inordinate sacrifice on the other axis to achieve; the Storyteller determines whether a specific setting is accomplishable with the available resources and what casualties (if the metric is time) or time (if the metric is casualties) will be necessary. The Solar is aware of this information and may modify his metrics before completing the activation of the Charm. This Charm cannot take into account the actions of beings with half the Solar's Essence (rounded up) or more; direct action by other forces to neutralize these beings, however, can allow the Charm to function.

Life-Preserving Gesture
Cost: 5m
Duration: Ess turns
Type: Reflexive
Min. Medicine: 5
Min. Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Stabilizing Touch Method

In the heat of battle, triage is sometimes necessary. When an ally within (Ess x 5) yards is struck by an attack, the Solar may use this Charm in response. While this Charm is active, that ally does not die if they are reduced below Incapacitated by damage. If this Charm ends while that ally is below Incapacitated, they immediately die unless they are receiving medical assistance as it happens.

Heartbeat-Prolonging Aura
Cost: 6m 1wp 1 lethal hl
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Medicine: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Life-Preserving Gesture, Anointment of Miraculous Health

The first responsibility of a doctor is to preserve life, no matter whose. While this Charm is active, whenever anybody within (Ess x 10) yards of the Solar, whether friend or enemy, drops below Incapacitated, this Charm preserves their life; they are instead Incapacitated.

Inexhaustible Information Holism
Cost: n/a
Duration: n/a
Type: Permanent
Min. Lore: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: All-Encompassing Knowledge Prana

The Solar's unending study has granted him a full and complete knowledge of nearly every subject. The Solar may at any time reflexively recall any piece of factual information which he could discover at such places of learning which he could, at that moment, journey to and have guaranteed unfettered access to.

Ideal Decontextualization Stance
Cost: 5m
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Linguistics: 5
Min. Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Glyph-Comprehending Prana

Through careful reading, and assuming the ineffable body-forms of postmodern dialectics, the Solar redefines the terms in a document so that they belong to their personal worldview. Upon studying a document in a language they can understand for an hour, the Solar gains a full and complete understanding of any and all nonstandard words used in that document, including any information assumed by the writer in constructing and applying these jargon words.


Innocent Soldier Approach
Cost: 8m 1wp
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. War: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: General of the All-Seeing Sun

The Solar knows how to wage war without sacrificing life. By activating this Charm, the Solar devises a method of safely accomplishing one goal that would normally require the death of up to (Ess * War) individuals. At-Will Effect: Soldiers in this Exalt's unit will never be killed as a result of unit damage. This adds the Solar's Medicine to the unit's soak value. Attacks made by this unit will never cause enemy soldiers to be killed; however, this results in no corresponding statistical modifier.

Brandishing the Royal Cutlery
Cost: n/a (1m)
Duration: n/a
Type: Permanent
Min. Melee: 5
Min. Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Raiding the Royal Armory

An Exalt attuned to many weapons soon learns that all weapons are one. When using an improvised weapon, the Solar may reflexively pay 1 mote to use it, for the scene, as if it had the statistics of one of the weapons they have a link to through Raiding the Royal Armory. It gains none of the other characteristics of the weapon, including abilities, material type, or appropriateness for Martial Arts use.

(for zee)


SI Characters?

Page last modified on April 15, 2009, at 02:38 PM