Things to do in SolInvictus

(see also LooseEnds)

Our Plate (There is a Lot On It)

  • The Five Who Were Fallen
    • The only unaccounted Sidereals (except, of course, for Herons), eternally reborn with full memories and basically nuts
      • Who made them and why? Who even has the power to make them? The Maidens? We need to find this out to understand their deal
    • Fierce Red Star (battles) -- more or less locked up, but Winter paid a visit to him
    • Remembrance (journeys) -- also should be down there somewhere
    • Zenobia (secrets) -- likes the Mask, always in our business, says Varanim has a destiny, whereabouts unknown
    • Meril V'Neef (serenity) -- the original V'Neef; we have no idea what her deal is
      • The V'Neefs are the youngest D-B house; they got sweet presents from the Empress, including the only winery, a firedust supplier, and Peleps's merchant marine
      • We forgot to tell the Roseblack about this, by the way, and we probably should
    • The Man of a Thousand Faces and None (ENDINGS) -- all his faces came off when the Ebon Dragon died, and now he's missing
      • Should we maybe go get those faces or something? They're just on the wall in the Orrery place
  • The Lunars
  • The Silver Pact!
    • They live in Lachu Atapis, they control the majority of the Lunar population, they belong to the Deliberative, and they JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE
  • Raksi
    • Our next-door neighbor, she wants to recreate brigid's mantle so as to get SCS so as to eat us
      • And the Mask is messing around with Brigid too -- COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT
      • We had an elaborate plan to have Raksi killed by the guy she killed in the First Age
      • Then I was like, what if we made a new plan to curse her into being a good person
      • But I dunno, killing her sounds pretty good
  • Lilith
    • Doesn't really do much
  • The Bei Ji Xing
    • The Trailblazers, who explore the stuff beyond the Wyld
      • They might have all KINDS of stuff; also, they may know how to get to Osa
    • Last seen hanging out with Seven Leaping Herons
  • And of course Akuna Ravdash
    • Ruler of Arcadia, leader of the Exalted Opposition in the Deliberative, and basically a huge jerk
      • Why didn't we get rid of this guy yet?
  • Seven Leaping Herons
    • I hate this guy so much he gets his own section
    • Has actually been around since the start of the game
    • Acts like he knows so much and leaves us more or less helpful but condescending notes
    • Left with the Bei Ji Xing and tried to get through the Wyld to Osa; currently near death, location and situation unknown
  • El Deathlordos
    • The First and Forsaken Lion
      • Tried to conquer everything, Kai pushed him into a hole, hasn't been seen since, probably still a problem
    • The Mask of Winters
      • We killed this guy and then he possessed me due to a deal I made and came back and now has become an evil Spring doppelganger with Varanim's soulsteel arm
        • Aw, man
          • Boy, that sure was smart of Spring
      • Varanim's arm, by the way, has a secret destiny that will be activated if it's attached to a powerful Twilight Solar or equivalent during the Calibration. OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
      • He also has a bunch of our stuff, including one of the Seals, some of the Exalts, and Innocence
    • The Walker In Darkness
      • I just mention him because he really hates the Mask and we should team up
        • Except he probably doesn't think we're too awesome after stealing wossnom's Monstrance from his pretty-princess castle
    • The Bodhisattva Anointed in Dark Waters
      • Tried to destroy Creation, Imrama stopped him, since then pretty calm
    • Tenebrous Apostle
      • Has his own country south of An-Teng
    • The Alabaster Baronet
      • Has HIS own country east of Whitewall
      • No idea what these two guys are up to
    • Derelict Kshatriya
      • Had a big zombie army and Lucent's fake body
  • The Zhan Family Curse
    • So the Lion had Brigid Zhan and was using mystical forces on her in order to either kill all the Zhans or to kill all the Zhans in order to empower Brigid (that's confusing)
    • We rescued her ghost and now she's hanging out at the Cascade
    • We probably should talk to her, huh
  • The Hundredfold
    • Era'vina and the Hundredfold Alliance
      • Era'vina was built as an expatriate city in the deep Wyld by some of the Hundredfold who wanted to conquer Creation
      • Back in the day they worked with Lai on the orders of Thousand-Facer and Lai married a hundredfold named Elari
      • Now he's dead and Elari is in charge and recruiting more Hundredfold to have a cold war with the Deliberative
      • And she doesn't like us much because we killed Lai
    • The Ija
      • The only extinct 100F race, genocided by the Solars, their ghosts are pissed off about it and they gave Nim her crazy disease
        • And hey, she has the same disease the Sun has! DUN DUN DUN
    • The Aalorai
      • Currently engaged in a civil war to see whether they will work with Era'vina or Solaria
    • The Trinosi
      • Erevel's childen, connected to the Chrysanthemum and the Nightshade and a THIRD PLACE called the Hyacinth
        • We probably should find that place, huh
    • He used to be Helios Red Sands
      • A First Age Zenith who got corrupted into an Infernal named Lucent who we then cured by going back in time (as you do)
      • Then he was a good First Age Zenith named Lucent who led a bunch of Exalts to the Maw of Nine Dark Truths which he killed but got put into cryosleep
      • Then he wakes up in the Second Age and comes to visit us because he remembers Zahara
    • Now everything is fine! (not really)
      • Lucent goes to dig up the Maw and meets a goddess who sends him to visit his FAKE TOMB which says he died FOUR HUNDRED YEARS after the battle with the Maw
      • He goes to his tomb which is CREEPY and FORESHADOWING and has a PERFECT FAKE SKELETON
      • Nim discovered that the Kashaen built it directed by a lunar named Vovoka who saw him die from being stabbed with a blue sword
        • We never found Vovoka, did we?
        • The sword is named Azure Hyacinth Realization
        • Other VIPs who watched the funeral: Khajen, Tara Zhan, Herons, Qian Mian
    • He already has a soulcage boosting his Essence, made by Zahara, which is super old -- and he put the soulcage in HIMSELF
    • Lytek doesn't have his shard but the details don't line up
    • Jupiter pays him a dream visit to answer his prayer and tells him: "Lucent Copper Haze... died, long ago, to save the whole of this world from destruction, from the greatest threat it has ever faced" -- the Lacuna
    • Then Lucent had ANOTHER dream of Vovoka telling him it isn't time yet and that Lucent's "last enemy" killed him
    • WHAT THE
    • So the Unconquered Sun has a horrible disease that is the same as Varanim's disease (and Spring has a bit of it)
      • Not exactly the same, but similar
    • It comes from the Ija
    • Spring can probably cure it using Primordial Essence but there aren't too many living Primordials out there -- basically just Erevel
    • Lucent also brought some Essence in a flower to use on the Sun
  • The Heralds
    • Osa -- The First City
      • The Primordials were cast out of Osa after a civil war caused by cracks in the universe that let Oblivion in -- The LACUNA
      • Oros, the ruler of Osa, sent the Ravens, led by Arcturus, after them, but the Prims won and built Meru in order to pursue the "First and Final Cause" and also live somewhere
      • Now he's sending Heralds to let us know he's coming
    • The First Herald
      • Came during the First Age and broke "the laws of kingship"
      • Killed a Lunar called Vhuel and was killed by a Solar called Zin Bei-La
    • The Second Herald
      • Came recently and broke "the laws of nature," also a lot of the edges of Creation
      • Screwed up Imrama pretty bad
    • The Third Herald
      • Will break "the laws of emotion"
    • The Fourth Herald
      • Will break whatever's left to break
  • The Lacuna
    • A hole in the universe that lets Nothing in
    • Basically driving all the plot for the last ten thousand years
    • There's one here and another one in Osa
    • Produced Oblivion, which produced Deathlords
    • Erevel and Siram originally corrupted the Solars in order to destroy the Lacuna so that they could rule Creation
  • Whatever Happened to the Primordials?
    • Gaia
      • Hanging in the Jade Pleasure Dome so far as we know
    • Atomnos
      • Made Exalts, in love with Cytherea, planned to kill us all, Neverborn nearly killed him, now he's more or less friends with us (mostly less)
    • Erevel
      • The main rogue Primordial, whereabouts unknown, wants to take over Meru and destroy the Lacuna which we also want to do
    • The Yozis
      • The ones who are in prison but not dead, I always forget
      • Put Nyx in charge of escaping, and we punked him, so now we're good on that front probably
    • The Neverborn
      • The ones who are dead but not in prison -- they run the Deathlords
      • Led by Auna, mostly want to be all the way dead or alternatively kill everything else
        • The Lion works for Auna
      • A splinter faction led by Glimpse of Night wants to find a third option
        • The Mask works for Glimpse
    • The other rogues
      • There are three more! And we don't know much about them
  • Other Stuff that Doesn't Get Its Own Section
    • Exalting all humanity -- remember that?
      • I am betting Zee still 100% hates this idea
    • The Fae -- Quin says don't worry about them, but I kind of do anyway
    • Lai Misuna
      • Okay, probably not a big deal any more, but he IS still alive and out there somewhere even though that clearly shouldn't be possible and Grala is hunting him
    • Varangia -- there's a golden child there with a LOT of destiny
    • Yu-Shan had a civil war recently and we never really checked in on that
    • Probably we should make sure Mnemnon isn't about to attack us from Xara
    • Innocence -- when we showed her to Lytek he got all freaked out about undefined Essence behavior, so we should totally make a few more of her
    • Lethe -- WHAT IS THE DILLYO


  • Some introductions: Riordan, etc.
  • Investigate the damn Lunars
  • Send an emissary to the Hundredfold
  • Assign Exalts to the nations without representatives
  • Discuss Orrey readings?
  • Meet the Walker in Darkness
  • Public Works
  • Fix Lacuna


  • Deal with the Bureaucracy (?)
  • Create a race ('nim? Zee? that twilight? all of the above?)
    • Talk about theoretical Soul stuff - Nim
    • Talk about an incubator - Zee
    • Talk about essence manipulation - Verbles
    • Talk about life - Spring
  • HAVE TEA GODDAMMIT (see also Zahara)
  • Write vignette of assassination in the West.
  • Ninja Stuff
    • Talk with boy Ahina found
  • Talk to Grala
    • Tell her 'So there!'
    • Do something else. - Find Lai
  • Meet/observe Innocence of Loss (Spring?)
  • Talk with Jlediina re: Gardening (quin)
  • Talk with Imrama about Remembrance Of Seven Tears (Imrama)
  • Finish talking with Imrama about the Faith Ecliptic (Imrama)
  • Talk with Innocence again. (Quin)
  • Debrief Telani (quin first, then maybe Luc)
  • Rummage through the (metaphorical) dirty laundry of the Violet Bier (quin)
  • Establish in a mini introduction that I'm checking out the Man in the Wood's place. (whoever's)
  • Take Varanim to see the living WMD and Ssithumi (Varanim, quin)
  • Give Luc his paintings


  • Smooth things over with Varangia
  • Form a diplomatic core from the Djala
  • Talk with Spring, Lucent about curing Automnos
  • Talk to Cerin about star names
  • Interview Markuran, Shikaya, to find out things they learned/did while evil (Cerin?)
  • Visit Khryal (Zahara, maybe others)
  • Meet the Mountain Folk, start massive reconstruction effort
  • Talk to Rovash about the Wyld Zone near Whitewall


    • Salustren
    • The war on the Blessed Isle
    • Ael - Inhuman society here
    • Arcontan - more inhumans
    • ?? western tip of N continent
    • Xiyi Mts
    • Then Thousand Blades
    • Viridian Hearth - human society
    • Southern tip of The Maelstrom
    • Marax-Do
    • Thingy S of Apanja Yara


  • Meet Ahlat (Imrama)
  • Start the Academy (Zee, everybody as guest speakers!)
  • Investigate the RECIPE VAULT (Zee, Cerin)
  • Touch base with BAAAAABIES!!!!
  • Set up complicated Doctor double-cross (Luc)
  • Discuss Akuna/Mask plans (peeps)
  • Hang out with my docs more
  • Hang out with Berwyn
  • Investigate the Primordial Solars
  • Talk to the Labyrinth
  • Twelve-step program for ghosts (Imrama, Varanim)
  • Inaugurate the Thunderdome
  • Exegesis of souls -- spectres
  • Exegesis of souls -- fae
  • Exegesis of souls -- hundredfold
  • Exegesis of souls -- malfeans
  • Exegesis of souls -- deathlords
  • Exegesis of souls -- primordials
  • Exegesis of souls -- the lacuna
  • Find the library book
  • Having done that, find Remembrance
  • Fix up Wasirru so that they're not just eating bark all the time
  • Take Zahara to fix up the Orrery
  • Fix Vanileth
  • Talk to Lytek about Innocence
  • Meet up with El Pluto


  • Spring a trap for V'neef and capture the Serenity
  • Cure Swan Dragon
  • Follow Swan Dragon's lead to the God of the Last Lantern Line
  • Connect the Golden Ones with the Kashaen for the birth of the new Kingdom
  • Talk to The Dragons
  • Talk with the Southern Dream-Goddess to get directions to her boss
  • Discover the limits of Alika, the Ebon Daughter
  • Turn Nexus back to Hollow, shatter the Guild
  • Touch base with the one surviving member of the Broken Suns sent to kill him
  • Find out what the heck Lucent is
  • Find out who will attempt to exploit the Lacuna
  • Go meet Khajen's old place to discover what real Lucent had been up to (and who killed him)


  • Clean out rock basement
  • Talk to Spring about WTF is up with him, anyway
  • Interrogate ex-spectre? (Cerin)
  • Clean up Lucien's Superfund site (Lucent?)
  • Confer with Lytek, re: his job
  • See what the Mask has been up to
  • Talk to Piercing Ivory about necro and Pluto
  • Figure out WTF creepy bomb-flower
  • Talk to Vojec et al. about Sunset Order, GODDAMMIT QUIN
  • 1. Build LHC, 2. Apply to Void Nexus, 3. ???, 4. Profit
  • Talk to Ligard (the Lizard?) about Serenal respec


  • Tea with Akuna (Cerin) HAVE THIS FREAKING TEA
  • Check up on Ebon, plot to free him from his deathlord
  • Figure out who the hell I am
  • Learn things from Riordan'
  • Cast Benediction of Archgenesis on Thorns (Varanim, ?)
  • Talk to or avoid the hell out of Markuran
  • Learn 3rd Circle summoning and more SCS
  • Make Reaver an ambassador to the hundredfold. Send him there to learn about them so that he will have an understanding of both societies.
  • Make the Sunlands SO AWESOME that nobody could hate living there.
  • Institute Judicial system
  • Promote new treasurer from dungeon (aka the fast track).
  • Pretty ship for Imrama
  • GM POWER ABUSE: Dredge up a dead boat for Saraya

Page last modified on November 11, 2010, at 12:41 AM