Golden Branches of the Tree Style

by pigeon

Charm tree:

Every charm in this style has the prerequisite "One Sidereal Martial Arts Form charm."

Weapons and Armor

Adepts of the Golden Branches of the Tree Style may use any weapons with a long haft, including staffs, as if they were unarmed.

Once, there was a man who knew many secrets:

Murderous Dictate
Cost: 8m 1wp
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: None

Though his hands were soft with scholarship,

Pen in hand, the adept sets down his fury in sharp strokes, declaring his principles in blood. To use this charm, the adept writes down a statement of belief. While the adept commits Essence, anyone who sees, understands, and disagrees with this statement immediately suffers an unarmed attack from the adept. The attack emanates not from the adept but from the statement; the adept need not be within range or even present. This effect occurs once per turn per person. If the statement is defaced or otherwise made illegible, this charm ends.

Ideal Command Fist
Cost: 8m
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: None

He left his people...

The adept wields his might through those he leads. The adept may take a number of reflexive actions each turn equal to his Valor giving advice to his compatriots. For each action taken, the recepient of the advice adds a number of dice equal to the adept's Martial Arts to one combat-related roll of their choice.

Sky Tongue Rejoinder
Cost: 2m how is this costed at simple?
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Murderous Dictate, Ideal Command Fist

and climbed high above the world...

The adept utters a sharp word. A moment later, the sky replies in fire. When the adept uses this charm, he designates an opponent he can see. The next turn, on that opponent's initiative, before his action, a lightning bolt strikes at him from above. The lightning bolt has the same die pool as an unarmed attack made by the adept and deals lethal damage equal to twice his Essence. It cannot be parried.

Army of Words
Cost: 6m
Duration: One scene
Type: Independent Action
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: None

to find the knowledge he sought.

The adept assumes his bailiwick as master of language, harnessing all documentation to his whim. The adept gains an additional fully independent action each round, which manifests itself in the motions and gestures of any and all written material within twice the adept's Essence in yards; if there is none, no action may be taken.

Father Dragon Form
Cost: 8m
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Sky Tongue Rejoinder, Army of Words

Thus, he learned his father's secrets.

The adept may use writing implements of all kinds as if they were orichalcum direlances. He may further engage in combat using his bare, unsupported word. Used as a weapon, speech has the following statistics: an Accuracy equal to the adept's Linguistics, a Damage equal to his Lore, a Defense equal to his Socialize, and a Rate equal to his Presence. If the adept has 3 or more Performance, it is a clinch enhancer; if the adept has 3 or more Conviction, it is piercing. It is always considered an unarmed Martial Arts attack. In addition, the adept may make one reflexive attack per turn, as long as it is performed with speech. This is a Martial Arts Form-type charm. A character may only have one Form charm active at any given time.

Long-Suffering Love
Cost: 2m 1hl
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: None

His journey was not for himself:

With bloody tears, the adept interposes his heart between a friend and harm. When a close friend within three yards is attacked, the adept may parry this attack with a die pool equal to his Compassion + Martial Arts. This does not prevent the original target from parrying the attack, and may take place after such a parry has been made.

Maternal Remonstrance Fist
Cost: 5m 1wp
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Long-Suffering Love

he wished to bring wisdom to his people,

The adept strikes at his opponent's heart, assuring him with each blow that he has their best interests in mind. This attack ignores armor. For each health level of damage this attack would do, the opponent instead loses a point of Willpower.

Ten Thousand Blooms
Cost: 1m
Duration: One Scene
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: None

and so make them glorious.

The adept smiles, and the world basks in his love. Upon using this charm, the adept may designate a living thing near him. Every target so designated becomes inherently more heroic; if it would normally roll mortal dice, it instead rolls heroic dice (receiving two successes on 10s). If it would normally roll heroic dice, it instead receives two successes on both 9s and 10s. This charm may explicitly be activated multiple times during its duration. I changed this

Mother Dragon Form
Cost: 8m
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Maternal Remonstrance Fist, Ten Thousand Blooms

Thus, he learned his mother's secrets.

The adept stoops to plant a seed. During each turn, he may take a number of reflexive actions up to his Essence to nurture the seed he has planted, and through it all living things. Each time he does so, he, and all living things within his Essence in miles, may regain one health level. This may explicitly be used in response to an attack to negate the damage caused by that attack. This is a Martial Arts Form-type charm. A character may only have one Form charm active at any given time. this too

Silent Flame Heart
Cost: n/a
Duration: n/a
Type: Permanent
Min. Martial Arts:
Min. Essence:
Prerequisite Charms: None

At the end of his journey,

The adept stokes within him a quiet fury, which grows within him until it cannot be contained; when it bursts forth, it ravens with power. Each turn, the adept may reduce the total cost of Martial Arts Charms and Comboes he activates with a duration not exceeding one turn by a number of motes equal to twice the level of his anima banner at the beginning of the turn. If his banner is iconic, he may also reduce such costs by 1 willpower. No Charm may be reduced below 1m 0wp. (There are five levels of anima banner: softly glowing, glowing like a beacon, glowing bright enough to read by, glowing bright enough to be seen for miles, iconic.)

Invincible Repose Meditation
Cost: 3m, 1 wp, 1 agg hl
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: None

he hung himself,

The adept is still in the face of mortal assault; only exceptional determination can rouse him. While this charm is active, attacking the adept has an additional cost of 1 willpower. This does not apply to attacks modified by Charms with an instant duration.

Do Nothing Fist
Cost: 2m
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Silent Flame Heart, Invincible Repose Meditation

and waited...

The adept's pointed inaction threatens his opponent's life. This charm may be used in response to an opponent's attack. Before it resolves, the adept launches a counterattack without moving in any way. This counterattack cannot be dodged and has a number of automatic successes equal to twice the adept's Temperance. If it does any health levels of damage, the original attack fails. Otherwise, it cannot be dodged or parried. This is a counterattack charm.

Stillness Demands Stillness
Cost: 5m
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 5
Min. Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Do Nothing Fist

in silence.

The adept's immobility enforces immobility upon the world; his opponent find their very Essence revolting against any attempted maneuver. While this Charm is active, enemies of the adept find all their Charm costs increased by 2 motes while they are within the adept's Essence in yards.

Child Dragon Form
Cost: 10m
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Father Dragon Form, Mother Dragon Form, Stillness Demands Stillness

Thus, he learned his child's secrets.

The adept does nothing. As a simple action, the adept may take no action. In doing so, he gains motes equal to the square of the number of consecutive times he has taken no action. This is a Martial Arts Form-type charm. A character may only have one Form charm active at any given time.

Blossoms Unfolding in Glory
Cost: 5m 1wp
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Child Dragon Form

When the dragons came,

Using this charm requires one hour of meditation. Once this charm is activated, the adept is permeated with glory. He gains a number of boons equal to his Essence. At any time, he may reflexively spend a boon generated by this Charm to make a single Martial Arts action he is about to perform a perfect effect. Perfect attacks do not fail as a result of having no successes after defenses. Perfect defenses cause attacks to which they are applicable, including perfect attacks, to automatically fail. This is a boon-generating charm. Its duration continues until all boons generated with this charm have been spent; deactivating the charm early causes the loss of all boons so generated.

Pitiless Transfixion Fist
Cost: 10m 1wp
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Blossoms Unfolding in Glory

he caught them and caged them.

Upon hitting his opponent with an unarmed attack, the adept transfixes his opponent with his hand or weapon, pinning him helplessly with his artful blow. While transfixed, a character may not move or take any actions, although he may speak at the adept's discretion. The adept must hold his weapon steady to maintain the transfixion -- if he lets go of it, attempts to use it for any other purpose, or moves out of range, he immediately releases his opponent. He may also release a transfixed opponent at will. On the adept's initiative on subsequent rounds, a transfixed enemy suffers the same raw damage as the original attack enhanced by this charm caused, plus one lethal unit of raw damage for each round he has been transfixed.

Golden Branches of the Tree Form
Cost: 10m 1wp
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Min. Martial Arts: 6
Min. Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Pitiless Transfixion Fist

This was his secret.

Adopting the stance of the Tree, the adept grows. While this charm is active, the adept's Essence expands outward in a tangle of unfettered life; all his mote costs for Charms are halved. Through its coils and winds, the adept may express multiple idioms; he may have a number of Form-type charms active at once equal to his Essence. This is a Martial Arts Form-type charm. It may not be activated while another Form-type charm is active.

Page last modified on April 15, 2009, at 02:38 PM