Lucent Copper Haze
The Adamant Sun's Own Light

Solar Charms
* Performance
* Presence
* Resistance
* Survival
* Lore
* Medicine
Martial Arts Charms
* Moth Chases Every Flame
Divine Connection
* Kaleidoscope Eyes



Spring Waltz
Cost: 1 mote per die
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Minimum Performance: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Heart-Compelling Method
The summer Sun can be the worst slave-driver, burning those that work under its light, bringing fatigue and pain, but its light at spring is soothing, elevating spirits, a natural song that makes burdens lighter and the harshest decisions easier. After all, what could go wrong during spring? Singing soothing tones or radiating the bright light of the spring Sun, the Solar elevates the spirits of a single person he can perceive to aid them on any task involving hard, tiring labor or stressful and dire circumstances, adding one success to their rolls in such tasks for every 1 mote spent to a maximum of the Solar's Charisma+Performance.

Enlightement Canon
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Instant
Minimum Performance: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Endless Spring Hymn
The light of the sun breeds priests and prophets, bringing ultimate illumination! Singing a powerful hymn the Solar opens another's third eye in a nascent sunburst in their forehead (which interacts with animas, shifting both of their forms into a mesh), allowing them leaps of logic and clarity of thought and purpose brought to all Creation by the Sun! Those touched by the Enlightement Canon receive a number of automatic successes in all tasks requiring clear and creative thought or attempts to discern obscured truths equal to the Solar's Essence. This acts as a perfect defense any attempts to obscure or manipulate the mind of the enlightened.

Dance of Perfection
Cost: 10 motes
Type: Supplemental
Duration: Instant
Minimum Performance: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Enlightement Canon, Grace in Adversity Style
With this transcendental dance the Solar abbreviates her own movements to fearsome mystic effiency. She adds half her Performance (rounded up) to any roll requiring lengthy labor; Craft rolls, Occult or Lore research, medical operations, and the like can all be affected by this Charm.

Grand Maestro Stance
Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: One Scene
Minimum Performance: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Enlightement Canon, Insight-Conveying Performance
The Solar's mandate is one to coordinate massive understakings! Assuming the grand maestro stance he can make an entire group working on a single task work with supernatural speed and surety by singing a composition designed to synchonize and inspire their labor, allowing them to do a day's taks in a single scene, with a minimum of one success in all rolls involved in the task. Up to (10 * permanent Essence) individuals can benefit from an invocation of this Charm.

Sunlight Songs Stance
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Type: Simple
Duration: Indefinite
Minimum Performance: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Dance of Perfection, Grand Maestro Stance, Heroism-Increasing Presence
With this Charm, the Solar divides her mind; one part dances and sings outside the world, while the other part is free to act. While under the effect of this Charm, a voice that resembles the Solar's hangs sourcelessly in the air, singing wordless solar anthems, and her anima coalesces into a hazy silhouette which dances without her body's leadership. She has two independent actions each turn; one may only be used for Performance actions (including Performance Charms) and the other is unrestricted. She may also benefit from her own Performance Charms even if they normally only benefit others (she can also choose to be unaffected by them). Excluding the Solar's allies, those who behold the Sunlight Songs Stance feel a deep sense of awe upon seeing the bare social prowess of a Solar, and must suceed on a Temperance roll at difficulty 1 every turn or lose their action.



Confrontation Kata
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Five turns
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Center of Attention Stance
The Solar voices a declaration of war that paints that paints the world red in an iconic flash of her anima, making herself the focus of all conflict in existence! All oponents of the Exalt within (Essence x10) yards have their sight clouded by crimson banners and feel she is a foe that must be fought lest come their ends, and must suceed in a Temperance roll (Difficulty 2) every turn, or be compelled to strike at the Solar. That compulsion can be ignored with the expenditure of 1 willpower, but even those who are successful receive a penalty equal to the Solar's Essence to strike anyone but her that turn. Any opponent of the Solar able to perceive her presence must fail a Valor roll to retreat from combat. Willpower cannot be used to ascertain failure in this roll. This explicitly trumps the effects of Charms such as Avoidance Kata, with Fate, the Yozi or whatever power rules over the Solar's opponent dragging her back with binds of flowing red to the battle that must be fought.

Should multiple iterations of Confrontation Kata or similar charms conflict, only one will take effect. The one belonging to the higher-Essence character prevails unless both character have equivalent Essence ratings, in which case ribbons of crimson tangle through their animas and a reflexive Charisma+Presence roll is made every turn to ascertain which effect takes precedence. Confrontation Kata may be comboed as if it were of instant duration.



Eternal Lion Stance
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 health level
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Resistance: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Adamant Skin Technique, Immovable Object
Adopting the posture of a Celestial Lion the Solar flares with Orichalcum hide and leonine eyes, anima cascading over his form like a burning mane as he stands before Creation with the same untiring vigilance as the mightiest protectors of Heaven! As one with the resilience of Heaven's foremost guardians the Solar ascertains that no harm shall pass beyond his own gates.

Invoking this Charm allows the Solar to both ignore the damage of any attack directed against him in the same manner as Adamant Skin Technique and be unmovable in the same manner as Immovable Object. No damaging effect this Charm has protected the Solar against will harm those who stand behind him, explosions forming their whole arc away from his form, waves of fire stopping on him and dispersing, avalanches breaking away to all sides but through him. Even attacks as as immaterial as sound or waves of burning Essence are stopped by this Charm. However, although they can be protected against damage from rolling waves from a shattered dam, they will not be protected against the flooding of their position afterwards.



Lead the Hallowed Exodus
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Day
Type: Simple
Minimum Survival: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Distance-Traversing Caravan
Leaders of Men, the Zenith have led humanity in their sacred pilgrimages since before the First Age, bringing the word of Heaven and a new beggining. It was in the War with the Primordials that this Charm was first used when Ben Kai led his followers for six thousand days and six thousand nights to the heart of Szoreny, sinking his blade into its heart. To lead the hallowed exodus a Solar must utter a swift prayer to the Unconquered Sun, igniting his anima to a coruscant aura, where it remains for the remainder of the day as if he had spent at least 8 motes of Peripheral Essence. The Solar thus becomes the guiding beacon to up (Permanent Essence x10) followers, his anima touching all of them and leaving its hallowed mark. The marked receive the benefits of all Survival, Endurance or Resistance Charms currently affecting the Solar that allow them to ignore enviromental effects, fatigue or deprivation from travel as they find themselves taking the same precautions as he, nourished by the same faith and Essence.

Shard of Nascent Worlds
Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: One Hour
Type: Simple
Minimum Survival: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Any (Element)-Denying Style
Ultimate expression of humanity's survival instinct, the Solar with this Charm cuts herself from the Essence of the world with a knife fashioned of her own Exaltation! Her anima shifts as the map of nascent worlds as her presence is severed from the enviroment, unnaffected by anything that does not specifically strike at her form, her personal space becoming her very own world! As long as this Charm is in effect the Solar cannot be affected by enviromental effects, from poisonous clouds to killing winds. She cannot suffocate nor drown, nourished by her own Essence for the duration. Note that this does not affect effects that strike directly at her form or Essence, only those that exist in the ambient about her - falling slag from a volcano could affect her where sulfur and lava could not, a fallen tree could affect her where poisonous pollen could not and shards of broken Essence could harm her while wading through an area of twisting nether would leave her all but unscathed.

Shield of Seasons
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Survival: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Any (Element)-Denying Style
The Sun changes the Seasons of Creation with his movements, his waking, walking and breathing. The world changes about him and he exists on the center of it all. Internalizing the lessons of all seasons, the Solar's body achieves an oneness with them akin to but opposite to that of the Unconquered Sun's, changing to suit the season's needs instead in an explosion of nature's change! Upon purchase of this Charm the Solar may activate any Charm that protects or insulates the character from enviromental damage and action of the elements as a Reflexive action that does not count as his Charm use for the turn (although it is still a Charm whose activation can be prevented), even if the Solar himself is unaware of the enviromental change about him. However, to activate the Charms in this way causes a brilliant display in the Bonfire level of anima, in a manner connected to the elements the Solar is being sheltered from! A wreath of summer-red flowers may break out of the Solar when his body adapts to a storm of fire, or a shower of unique, diamond-dust snowflakes pours from him as the room he stands in is frozen to absolute zero.



Mnemonic Relocation Method
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Experience Point
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Lore: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Forgetful God Methodology
A savant's obssessions come and go, requiring a constant stream of time and energy, honing much while some falters, entire fields of knowledge falling in and out of favor. As time passes entire skills are forgotten, untouched as a rusting sword. The best of savants can control this proccess, shuffling his favor to allow for the best possible allotment of their time and memories! With a simple use of this Charm the character can shift the Favored status from one Ability to another. (although the extra cost is paid retroactively - now unfavored Charms cost the character 2 Experience Points apiece, and now favored Charms give the character back 2 Experience Points apiece; this may lead the character into a debt of Experience Points.)

He may also discard any number of Ability Dots, receiving back the points from them. (although the extra cost is paid retroactively - now unfavored Abilities cost the character 1 Experience Point per dot, and now favored Abilities receive retroactively the break of 1 Experience Point per dot; this may lead the character into a debt of Experience Points.) Only a single Ability may be changed with every use of this Charm. (another Ability receiving a Favored status lost does not count as an use; The Solar Exalted must always possess 5 Favored Abilities.) Make note of lost Abilities, however; those can be bought again with only one-tenth of the usual Training Time.



Masterful Healer's Experience
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: Essence in Hours
Type: Simple
Minimum Medicine: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Diagnosis Technique
Taking on the aspect of the life-giving sun the Solar's irises spread into life-giving mandalas, his touch to his patients spreading in golden ripples, all manifestations of a thousand years of medical experience leading the Solar's every movement! For the duration of the Charm the Solar receives a number of Automatic Successes equal to his Essence in all Medicine-related rolls.

Soul-Dissecting Prana
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Essence in Hours
Type: Simple
Minimum Medicine: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Flawless Diagnosis Technique
As it is clear with its assossiation to the constellation of The Corpse, Medicine comprises studious understanding of anatomy and the biological proccesses that bring about all manner of phenomena in their patients. That understanding is paramount for the right treatments, to prescribe medicine and to understand how a disease or poison acts and the exact nature of wounds. However, Solar Exalted must often contend with Spiritual Diseases that attack the soul and the flows of Essence, with warped designs that would possess and corrupt minds and souls! To that effect the Solar must learn to understand the manner in which the mental and spiritual proccesses interact with the physical.

The Solar conducts a throughout examination which lasts an hour per dot of Permanent Essence of his patient. It informs the Solar the physical capabilities and Permanent essence of his patient, its species, its supernatural creature type (or a rough description of it, should the supernatural being be unknown to the character), its rough capabilities (and even possible capabilities, as he perceives how that specific kind of Essence may be applied by the body. This requires an Intelligence + Medicine or Occult roll with a difficulty of at least 5), any modifications to its body or Essence pattern(from Wyld Mutations to permanent or temporary enchantments), wether it is possessed or otherwised tampered by the Supernatural, and how connected he is with outside forces. (such as a Cult, a Monstrance or other sorts of Arcane Links)

This does not give the Solar any ability to sense Essence or perceive the nature of beings outside of the purview of a throughout physical examination any more than learning about a patient's heart rate allows the Solar to recognize others by their heartbeat from afar. It can, however, give significant bonuses to those who possess the ability to naturally perceive essence flows within beings, and vice versa.

Mending the Viridian Tapestry
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Medicine: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Unbinding Touch
The mind is Jupiter's Tapestry, where all of humanity keeps their secrets and fears. Secrets that can be ripped from them, fears and loves that can be shredded out of their minds! But the wise doctor is an artisan of the mind as well as the body, able to recover what was lost with the same deftness that they expel what should not be from the minds of their patients! This Charm permanently enhances Soul-Unbinding Touch. When they dive within their target's subconscious they become aware of the pieces where the mind was hurt, and become able to recover any Mental Trait loss, any Ability dot loss and any memory loss suffered by their patients. Each dot or stretch of memory recovered adds one hour for the total time the Solar will spend within his patient's subconscious. Should this be used against a power that has not stolen the memory or trait but be an active force preventing it from manifesting the Solar will have to suceed on a Willpower+Essence contest against the creator of the effect which works in the same manner as the contest of wills required for Summoning Spirits. Should the Solar fail, he cannot attempt to break this effect again this season.

Recover the Burning Flower
Cost: 20 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: Special
Type: Simple
Minimum Medicine: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Unbinding Touch, Body-Restoring Meditation<br> The most heinous injuries are not to the body or mind, but to the spirit, to the Essence that binds one's very being together. Most Mortal beings are slayn outright by such powers, leaving supernatural beings such as the Exalted with scars to their spirit, to the core of their personality and Essence. With this Charm the Solar can cleanse his patient from any effect that would drain his Virtues, Willpower or Permanent Essence, deny him their use, the use of his Charms or taint the manner in which he wields Essence.

To do so the Solar must have properly diagnosed the patient and understand its personality and the nature of its Essence with abilities such as Soul-Dissecting Prana. He then journeys into the victim's subconscious much as with Soul-Unbinding Touch, but even deeper to the recesses of consciousness from which springs personality and the primal forces of the soul, and begins his work, taking one hour for every effect to be cleansed or dot to be returned to the patient. This Charm may be used as a guiding light to more elaborate rituals if greater means are needed to restore the patient's Essence than merely shifting its flows into order.


Moth Chases Every Flame Initiation

Your Lovely Light
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Martial Arts: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None
Essence is bright, the most beautiful and enthralling fundamental light. Much like a Moth drawn to a flame the Adept learns how to be drawn to excesses of Essence, attuning her senses to the burning lights of Creation and the feel of unbridled joy as the tapestry is broken in fundamental fires and motes fill the sky like sparks. As long as this Charm is active the character is able to sense the use of Instant Charms in any action she can perceive. She receives a vague description of their effects(such as 'enhancing damage', 'enhancing ability' or 'protection') upon their activation, although she may only perceive Charm activations, and not the effects of ongoing Charms (although ongoing Charms with triggered may apply, at the Storyteller's call). This is an exhilirating experience, and should the adept witness the Iconic Anima of an Exalt or an effect on the level of Celestial Circle Sorcery she regain Willpower as if she had just fulfilled her Nature. This may happen any number of times per scene, although it can only happen once per given Exalt or Spell.

Your Burning Call
Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Martial Arts: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Your Lovely Light
Like a moth flying towards the flame, the Adept spreads Essence-wings and leaps towards the flicker of Essence in an enthralled daze! Whenever a target action enhanced with Essence is made anywhere within (the Adept's [Perception + Essence] x5 yards) and the Adept can perceive its use she may pay 4 motes to stand before it as its new target, replacing the older target entirely. If the Adept is successful in her defense, she regains 1 mote per minimum Essence dot required to the highest-prerequisite Charm used in the attack. This is only useful against a single strike, and must be used multiple times to take an onslaught for another. Area attacks will still damage the target regardless of the Adept moving into its area, however.

Lucent Copper Haze

Page last modified on April 08, 2009, at 09:54 PM