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Update Zahara


Zahara ZhanArchitectEclipse
Empress of the SunlandsThe SunlandsShiny
CharSol Invictus 699 Un, 386 Sp, 1085 Tot
Strength4 Charisma3 Perception2
Dexterity4 Manipulation5 Intelligence4
Stamina3 Appearance4 Wits3
(25, 10 from Caste/Favored, min 1 in each Favored)
Archery  Endurance2 Craft5
Brawl  Performance  Investigation 
Martial Arts  Presence4 Lore5
Melee5 Resistance2 Medicine 
Thrown  Survival  Occult5
Athletics1 Bureaucracy5 AbilityRating
Awareness1 Linguistics3 CraftArtifacts
Dodge1 Ride3 Meleesomething
Larceny  Sail    
Stealth  Socialize5   
Linguistics: Native; Learned,
Willpower8 Personal:22 Compassion2
x x x x x | x x x x x  Conviction5
Limit Break  Committed:0/13 Pers Temperance2
x x x - - | - - - - -0/30 Peri Valor4
Cup Grace2
CalculationsPersonal=(3x Ess) + WP
 Peripheral=7xEss + WP + (sum of virtues)
Anima Banner: 
Virtue Flaw
Limit Break Condition:The character suffers a drastic setback, or someone questions or belittles her prowess.
The character loses confidence in herself, and feels that other people are undervaluing her. When her limit breaks, the character becomes surly and antagonistic, wilfully provoking everyone she meets in an attempt to reclaim her self-esteem. This will always result in the character suffering at least a -2 penalty to all social rolls, as every conversation invariably degenerates into her picking a fight. She will constantly taunt and belittle others, maybe even hauling off and slugging them one if she feels like she's not making any headway (i.e., they don't rise to her baiting). Attempts to placate the character will provoke even more anger, as she will resent being "talked down to" or "treated like a child." Her antagonistic attitude is especially likely to be directed at other members of the character's Circle, as they're readily accessible and are also likely to be the people who make the character feel the most insecure in her powers. This limit break lasts for a number of days equal to Valor.
BACKGROUNDSvaluenotes (17)
Artifact4Shiny. War Bell!
Contacts2Fae Contacts
Familiar5A badass winged Manticore. I Wyld Shaped him.
Manse4Glowy. The Cascade.
Manse1Sea of Gears (total, level 3)
Resources5I have an EMPIRE
Sorcery5I know 7 spells.
Initiative:x Soak (L/B):(1/3)Mobility:0
ARMOR: Cloth of True Love (12L/12B)w/ Armor (13/15)Fatigue:0
ESSENCE REGAIN8/hour4/hour0/hour
w/ HEARTHSTONE/hour/hour/hour
HEALTH LEVELS (7)0124Incapacitated
Swordy (def)+4L(8L)+4(13)+3(12)3+4(11)
War Bell+10L(P)(14)+5(13)(18HPM)+0(7)1+7(14)
Blue Daiklave+6L(10)+4(12)+3(12+5A)6+7(14)

Quick Charm List
Deft Official's Way?.?
Speed the Wheels?.?
Leader-Reinforcing Method?.10m 1W
Glorious Rulership Style?.12m 1W
Bureau Rectifying Method?.?
Indolent Official Charm?.?
Foul Air of Argument Technique?.?
Seal Of Death Prana?.1om 1W
Flawless Handiwork MethodSupp.3 per sux
Object Strengthening TouchSupp.6m
Shattering GraspSupp.5m
Craftsman Needs No ToolsSupp.7m 1W
Material Conjuring GestureSimple5m
Sudden Creation MethodSimple10m 1W
Durability Enhancing TechniqueSimple10m
Crack Mending TechniqueSimple10m 1W
Nimble Assistant EndowmentSimple8m 1W
Dust Into Stone ApproachSimple3m
Steel Feather PranaSimple3m
Rock-Spinning TechniqueSimple?
Subtle Shaping KataSimple10m 1W
Unusual Construction MethodSimple10m 1W
Ox-Body Technique x 2SpecialPermanent
Radiant Essence TechniqueSpecialPermanent
Integrity Protecting PranaSimple5m 1W
Chaos-Repelling PatternSimple10m 1W
Wyld-Shaping TechniqueSimple20m 1W
Pattern-Imposing MethodSimple15m 1W
Wyld-Cleansing TechniqueSimple20m 2W 2L
Sun BoltSimple1 per 2L
Spirit-Detecting GlanceSimple3m
Spirit-Cutting AttackSupplemental2m
Retrieve the Fallen WeaponSimple1m
Summoning the Loyal SteelReflexive1m
Raiding the Royal ArsenalSpecialNone
Unequalled Blade EnhancementReflexive2 per pt.
Dancing Scimitar TechniqueSimple5m 1W
Unmanned Armory MethodSimple10m 1W
Golden Essence BlockReflexive1 per 2d
Dipping Swallow DefenseReflexive2m
Bulwark StanceReflexive5m
Invulnerable Redoubt MethodReflexive6m
Heavenly Guardian DefenseReflexive3m 1W
Fivefold Bulwark StanceReflexive5m 1W
Protection of Celestial BlissReflexive7m 1W
Formidable Blade DefenseReflexive3m
Singing Blade Barrier StanceSimple6m 1W
Unyielding Adamant DefenseReflexive8m 1W
Harmonious Presence MeditationReflexive6m
Wise-Eyed Courtier MethodSimple3m
Motive-Discerning TechniqueSimple6m
Knowing the Soul's PriceSimple10m 1W
Venomous Rumors TechniqueSimple10m 1W
Indelible Rumor ManifestationSimple15m 1W
All-Encompassing Sorceror's SightSimple6m
Magic Suppressing TouchSupp.3m
Charm-Annulling StrikeSupp.5m 1W
Terrestrial Circle SorcerySimple1W
Celestial Circle Sorcery  
Solar Circle Sorcery  
World-Shaping Artistic VisionSpecialPermanent
Demon of the First Circle20+m
Emerald Circle Countermagic10 or 20m
Summon Elemental10+m
Ritual of Elemental Empowerment30m
Awakening of the DragonsX+m
Demon of the Second Circle30+m
Sapphire Circle Banishment15+m
Magma Kraken35m
Torrential Cascade30+2
Unity of Dreams20+m
Mirage of Protective Shelter40m
Benediction of Archgenesis40m

(10, min 5 from Caste or Favored)
CHARMSpage #typecost


Flawless Handiwork MethodPg.182Supp.3 per sux
This Craft Charm allows you to send Essence through your hands and tools, allowing you to Purchase a number of additional successes (after you make the roll) equal to your characters' [ Essence + the number of successes rolled ].


Object Strengthening TouchPg.183Simp6m
Scenelong. The PC strengthens an object. Fragile objects like those made of glass cannot be damaged without Strength at least equal to the Essence of the PC who used the Charm on them. Targets that are not fragile take twice normal force to harm.


Shattering GraspPg.184Simple5m
A PC using this Charm multiplies his Strength + Athletics by 2 for the purposes of breaking or damaging the basic material he works with for the focus of his Craft skill — typically metal, stone or wood. If the character is making an attack against such an object, double his damage successes.


Craftsman Needs No ToolsPg.184Simple7m 1wp
Senelong. A PC who knows this Charm works directly with her chosen material, shaping it with her hands and voice, without any need for tools. PCs using this Charm do a day’s work in a Scene. Tasks needing multiple days’ work require multiple Scenes of use.


Material Conjuring GestureSIpg.95Simple5m
Moving beyond the ability to work without tools, the Solar craftsman now transcends even the necessesity of raw materials with which to work. With a gesture, the character can summon into being raw materials for a project out of raw sunlight. The character may summon materials worth up to Resources 2 with a single activation. The Solar may spend 1 Willpower point and an additional
Any material conjured using this Charm bears a slight solar glow and surreal quality which marks it as a project of magical creation. For materials where this is relevant, this effect extends to smell, taste, and sound as well; anyone experiencing such an object with any sense will be struck with a surreal, unnatural feeling.


Sudden Creation MethodPg.184Simple10m 1W
At a pinnacle of her mundane craftsmanship, the Solar who has mastered this Charm need no longer dedicate great quantities of time to the performance of her craft. The Solar may specify any one mundane crafting task she wishes to perform when she activates this Charm, and rolls (Attribute) + Craft as normal. If the roll is a success, the Solar completes the task instantly: she must still have access to tools and raw materials, but the task itself takes no time to complete.
If this Charm is instead applied to an act of magical crafting (such as the creation of an Artifact or Manse) it instead allows the Exalt to make a single roll towards the extended roll needed for success, without spending the necessary time to do so.


Durability Enhancing TechniquePg.183Simple10m
The PC strengthens an object so that it will endure for years. Durability- Enhancing Technique add twice the PC’s score in the Crafts Ability to the Strength + Athletics dice pool required to break objects treated by this Charm, and they last 10 times as long as untreated objects.


Crack Mending TechniquePg.184Simple10m 1W
The PC can fix any broken object, so long as it was not wholly unmade. The character must spend a number of hours working on the object equal to 10 - her Essence, and cannot remake an object more yards in radius than the character’s Essence.


Nimble Assistant EndowmentPg.184Simple8m 1W
Lending some of his own Essence to an assistant, the Solar unlocks the potential for exquisite creation within her. The Exalt selects a single individual with a Permanent Essence less than his own and infuses her with power, drastically improving her crafting abilities. The Solar must commit 1 mote for the season to maintain this person’s abilities.
For the remainder of the season, that character may add dice to all Craft rolls equal to the Solar’s Craft rating. In addition, this character works more swiftly than normal, performing Craft tasks in 75% of the normal time. If this character assists in the creation of an Artifact or Manse, increase her effective Difficulty modifier by two — thus, a mortal assistant would provide a -2 modifier, while a Dragon-Blooded would provide a -5.


Ox-Body TechniquePg.170SpecialPermanent
Adds 1 (-1)HL and 2 (-2) HLs.


Integrity Protecting Prana Pg.186Simple5m 1W
Protect your body and mind against the Wyld's chaotic effects. Protects possessions slightly. Lasts 1 day.


Chaos-Repelling PatternPg.186Simple10m 1W
The character and his goods, up to a fully laden horse, are protected from the warping effects of the Wyld. Lasts 1 day.


Wyld-Shaping TechniquePg.186Simple20m 1W
When in the Wyld, you can shape things out of the chaos. It must be used in the deepest Wyld zones. Roll Essence as an extended roll, with the cost being paid every turn. The number of successes depends on what you're trying to Shape. If the player botches at any time, horrible side effects result such as his fears coming to life. Large objects/places left alone for a long time will revert to the Wyld again.


Pattern-Imposing Method SI Pg.Simple15m 1W
When faced with enemies who use the fluidity of the Wyld as a weapon, the Solar can eliminate that advantage by bringing temporary stability to the Wyld's chaos. Upon activating this Charm, the area surrounding the character for (2 x Permanent Essence) yards becomes crystallized and ordered. Any improbable objects within the area return to their nearest realistic state. Anyone within that space suffers no negative effects such as mutation or Wyld addiction for the duration of this Charm. In addition, all attempts to consciously direct Wyld energies within the region -- including the use of Charms like Wyld-Shaping Technique and Fair Folk powers -- suffers an additional difficulty equal to the character's permanent Essence. it doesn't kill actual fae, just gives them wicked bad penalties to use charms/glamour sorcery


Wyld-Cleansing TechniqueSI Pg.Simple20m 2W 2L
With this Charm, an Exalt can entirely eliminate the taint of the Wyld from an area, returning it to stability. In order to use it, the Solar must pace out the border of the space which he wishes to restore -- whose border can be no longer than 100 yards per dot of Permanent Essence. Once the border is marked, the Exalt must enter a meditative state to guide the cleansing, which lasts a number of hours determined by the intensity of the Wyld energies -- one hour for Bordermarches, five for Middlemarches, and ten for Deep Wyld. At the conclusion of this meditation, the area is suffused with golden light, and the Wyld energy is removed entirely. From that point onward, the space in question has the stability of Creation, although it can be reclaimed by the Wyld in the normal fashion. This Charm may be used to create pockets of stability within the Wyld proper, or to expand the borders of Creation proper, as well as to cleanse isolated Wyld zones; however, additional magics may be necessary to prevent the areas being recovered from rapidly returning to a Wyld state
Multiple Solars may activate this Charm in concert, in which case their allotted border lengths are added together, allowing them to stabilize increasingly larger Wyld zones.


Sun BoltSI Pg.Simple1 per 2L
The character forms a bolt of bright, shining Solar Essence to throw at a foe. Objects struck by this bolt shatter or turn to ash in the face of the Sun's powerful light. The Exalt makes a Dexterity + Athletics or Thrown roll to attack, with an Accuracy bonus equal to his Permanent Essence. This attack deals 2L damage for each mote spent on activating it; the Exalt can spend no more motes than his Stamina + Lore. The Bolt has a range of (10 x permanent Essence) in yards. When used against demons or the undead, this Charm deals Aggravated damage.


Spirit-Detecting GlancePg.192Simple3m
One Scene. Allows the character to percieve unmanifested spirits.


Spirit-Cutting AttackPg.192Supplemental2m
Allows a character's attack to affect an unmanifested spirit. Can be comboed w/ other abilites.


Retrieve the Fallen WeaponPg.163Simple1m
This Melee charm allows your weapon to fly through the air and into your hand,overcoming gravity and friction to reach your hand. It won't defeat doors, chains, or other substantial obstacles however. You must also be able to see your weapon to use this charm! This Charm can call to the character's hand any weapon he can see which is currently unattended, not just weapons she personally owns. This can be used to call displayed weapons to the character's hand, for example.


Summoning the Loyal SteelPg.164Reflexive1m
Summon or banish your favored weapon from Elsewhere.


Raiding the Royal ArsenalSI Pg.SpecialNone
The Exalt has come to a great understanding of melee weapons, letting him create a personal attachment to several of them. After purchasing this Charm, the character may develop a personal connection to a number of weapons equal to his Melee score, allowing all of these weapons to be used with Summoning The Loyal Steel. The Exalt may freely choose which weapon to summon each time he activates the Charm. If he wishes to connect to a new weapon after already reaching the maximum, he may choose which weapon he will cease his connection to; if that weapon is currently banished to Elsewhere, he must retrieve it before removing the connection.


Unequalled Blade EnhancementSI Pg.Reflexive2 per pt.
The Exalt's weapon is practically an extension of herself -- and with time, she learns to enhance it with Essence, just as she can her own body. When the Exalt handles her favorite weapon and activates this Charm, a surge of golden Essence begins to flow through the weapon, charging it with power. For each 2 motes the Exalt spends when activating this Charm, she may increase the weapon's Accuracy, Damage, Speed, Defense, or Rate by 1, for as long as the motes remain committed. No more motes may be spent on this Charm than twice the Exalt's Melee score. This Charm can only be used on a single weapon, generally the Exalt's favored implement of battle, and it cannot be used on any weapon with an attunement cost.


Dancing Scimitar TechniqueSI Pg.Simple5m 1W
The Exalt focuses Essence into her chosen weapon, granting it a will of its own. The weapon begins to float in the air next to the character. For the remainder of the scene, each turn the blade acts independently of the character using her Dexterity + Melee dice pool. It may attack, or parry attacks against the character, though its actions may not be supplemented with Charms. The weapon may move anywhere within Essence yards of the character. The character may continue to fight as normal using other weapons.
Any opponents who wish to may attempt to knock the dancing weapon from the air. Attacks made against it are at +2 difficulty, and it may reflexively dodge with the Exalt's Melee score. In addition, it has bashing and lethal soak equal to the character's Melee score. Any attack which succeeds, and which deals three or more levels of damage, knocks the weapon from the air, ending the effects of this Charm.
The Exalt may only place a single weapon in the air at once using this Charm. At any time, if the weapon is within arm's reach, the Exalt may reflexively grab the weapon from the air and end this Charm's effects.


Unmanned Armory MethodSI Pg.Simple10m 1W
With but a gesture, the Exalt can summon up a retinue of self-willed weapons to protect himself -- or to strike down his foes. Upon activating this Charm, the character summons up any number of weapons currently banished to Elsewhere through Raiding the Royal Arsenal. Each of these weapons springs into the air and begins to act on its own, as with Dancing Scimitar Technique. In addition, the Exalt may reflexively banish any of the weapons back to Elsewhere by spending 1 mote at any point while this Charm is active.


Golden Essence BlockPg.166Reflexive1 per 2d
The character uses Essence to guide her weaon, allowing her to parry the attacks of many foes. The character may spend Essence to block and hand-to-hand attack that she is aware of, at the cost of 1 mote per 2 dice. The player cannot use more dice to parry any single attack than her Melee dice pool. For this charm only, this is her ENTIRE Melee pool, including item and specialty bonuses. If she buys an odd number of dice, she loses the fractional mote left over from the buying of the last die. PC-Does not include Defense bonus from weapon


Dipping Swallow DefensePg.166Reflexive2m
Block with full dex+melee


Bulwark StancePg.166Reflexive5m
use full Dex+Melee to parry any attacks you are aware of until your next action.


Invulnerable Redoubt MethodSIp.53Reflexive6m
Bringing her weapon to bear with unimaginable force, the Solar completely deflects a single blow, no matter how powerful. This Charm perfectly parries a single attack which the Solar is aware of.


Heavenly Guardian DefensePg.166Reflexive4m 1W
Block, without a roll, any single attack you are aware of, even if it is not normally blockable. When used against an area-of-effect attack, the Solar may protect other targets within arm’s reach as well as himself.


Fivefold Bulwark StancePg.167Simple5m 1W
Scenelong Dex+Melee autoparry! Works even with missile and magical attacks with a physical component.


Protection of Celestial BlissCB:D Pg.71Reflexive7m 1W
This Charm provides a number of parries equal to one-half the Character’s Melee, rounded down. These parries remain available as long as the Essence remains committed to the Charm. It may block attacks which are explicitly unblockable.. Blocking a strong attack will shatter a normal weapon, but 5mm weapons can withstand it.


Formidable Blade DefenseSIpg.54Reflexive3m
The Solar’s weapon swiftly interposes itself in front of any oncoming blow, bearing a power strong enough to withstand any assault. He may add a number of successes equal to half of his Dexterity + Melee pool, rounded down, to a single parry attempt; alternately, he may make a reflexive parry attempt with the same number of automatic successes.


Singing Blade Barrier StanceSIpg.54Reflexive6m 1W
Scenelong. The Solar’s weapon swiftly interposes itself in front of any oncoming blow, bearing a power strong enough to withstand any assault. He may add a number of successes equal to half of his Dexterity + Melee pool, rounded down, to a single parry attempt; alternately, he may make a reflexive parry attempt with the same number of automatic successes.


Unyielding Adamant DefenseSIpg.54Reflexive8m 1W
One Turn. Against even the mightiest of onslaughts, a Solar can protect himself utterly. His blade blazing with brilliant sunfire, the Solar may perfectly block a number of attacks equal to one-half his Melee score (rounded up) at any point during this turn. This Charm may not block attacks which are explicitly unblockable.
This Charm may be included in Combos despite its non-Instant duration.


Harmonious Presence MeditationPg.164Reflexive6m
+Ess to all one on one bur/pres/soc/perf rolls. Lasts 1 hour.


Wise-Eyed Courtier MethodPg.211Simple3m
Instantly read the superficial subtext of a social situation. Surface attitudes, relationships, ets.


Motive-Discerning TechniquePg.211Simple6m
Tell, through short interaction, what the target's true motives are. If there are conflicting emotions, the Exalt gets a basic feel in what proportion they are.


Knowing the Soul's PricePg.211Simple10m 1W
Find the secret weakness of an individual. Something they would even sell their soul for.


Venomous Rumors TechniquePg.212Simple10m 1W
Lasts 1 day. Turn a target into a social outcast. It brings out the worst parts of the target. The exalt must touch the target to use the charm. For a full day afterward, the target makes a penalty on all social rolls equal to twice the Exalt's Essence score.


Indelible Rumor ManifestationSI Pg.Simple15m 1W
By dripping venom into the correct ears, the Solar can create a rumor which refuses to yield its grip upon those who hear it. The Solar need merely state an item of gossip to a willing listener, then spend 15 motes and 1 Willpower. This rumor may be true or false, but it must target a specific individual. The listener the Solar first shares it with will forget the source she heard it from, and quickly repeat the story; within days, everyone who might be affected has heard the rumor -- and, moreover, believes it. As long as the Solar keeps the motes committed, the rumor will continue to spread, and those who hear it will be strongly biased towards believing it, even if it is ridiculous or nonsensical.


All-Encompassing Sorceror's SightPg.193Simple6m
While using this Charm, PC can perceive flows of Essence due to spirits, Charms, Manses, Demesnes, sorcery and enchantments. With Intelligence + Occult roll, PC can identify type of enchantment and (if familiar with them) the Exalted who caused it.


Magic Suppressing TouchSIPg.121Supp.3m
With a careful gesture, the Solar stirs up the flows of Essence which make up a Charm being activated, causing great diffi culty for its wielder. To use this Charm, the character must be within his Permanent Essence in yards of the character using the targeted Charm. The Solar rolls Wits + Occult, opposed by his target’s Permanent Essence. For each net success on this roll, the target must spend an additional 2 motes to activate the Charm, or allow it to dissipate without effect. The target still must pay any standard costs for the Charm, \\ however. Note that if this Charm is used against a Reflexive Charm, the target may immediately reactivate that Charm.


Charm-Annulling StrikeSIPg.122Supp.5m 1W
The Solar directly cuts apart the weave of Essence at the heart of an enemy’s Charm, negating its effects. Upon activating this Charm, the character chooses one of the following: either a single Charm which another character is in the process of activating, or a single Charm of non-instant duration which another character is currently under the effects of. She then makes a Wits + Occult roll, opposed by the target’s Permanent Essence. With even a single net success, the Charm is annulled and has no effect; the target must still pay all costs associated with its use, however.


Terrestrial Circle SorceryPg. 191Simple1W
This Occult charm allows you to learn and cast Magical Spells of the First (Emerald) Circle of Sorcery with the expenditure of a willpower point, an essence expenditure that varies from spell to spell, and a round of 'shaping'. At the beginning of the next round the spell is released.


Celestial Circle SorceryPg.  
This Occult charm allows you to learn and cast Magical Spells of the Second (Sapphire) Circle of Sorcery with the expenditure of two willpower points, an essence expenditure that varies from spell to spell, and two rounds of 'shaping'. At the beginning of the third round the spell is released.


Solar Circle SorceryPg.  
This Occult charm allows you to learn and cast Magical Spells of the Third (Adamant) Circle of Sorcery with the expenditure of three willpower points, an essence expenditure that varies from spell to spell, and three rounds of 'shaping'. At the beginning of the fourth round the spell is released.


World-Shaping Artistic VisionS Pg.144SpecialPermanent
Target numbers for actions when Dealing With Otherworldly Beings are reduced by 1. Always!




Demon of the First CirclePg. 21820+m
Casting this spell is a ritual of many hours which must be begun at sundown and end at the stroke of midnight, and it involves a great number of magical implements and protective sigils. Casting outside a dedicated ritual space is difficult. Once summoned, the sorc and demon engage in contested WP+Ess rolls. The caster may spend Essence in 5-mote increments to reduce the demon's WP+Ess roll by one die. Continue to roll until one has achieved 3 more successes than the other. If the character gains 3 or more successes, the demon will serve him loyally for a year and a day, or perform one task of finite or infinite duration. If the demon wins, the character may make a reflexive Wits+Occult roll at diff3 to banish the demon back to Malfaes. If he fails, the demon is free of the protective diagram.


Emerald Circle CountermagicPg. 21810 or 20m
If the character spends 10m of essence, she may protect her own person. for 20, she can halt any spell within Ess x 50 feet. This spell requires no shaping, and is cast as soon as the WP is spent. Countermagic does not banish. Kaboom!


Summon ElementalPg.21910+m
As Demon of the First Circle, with these exceptions: It can be cast at any time, and takes 4 hours. The roll to banish is dif 1. The elemental will not serve for more than a lunar month, or a task of a year and a day. The kidnap and enslavement of Elementals can piss off the Celestial Hierarchy if you treat them badly.


Ritual of Elemental EmpowermentS&S Pg.11430m
The ritual is cast from dawn to noon on a clear day, and must be performed with the aid of an elemental with the affinity of the element to be empowered, and have at least Ess 3. First the sorc purifies the item, then invokes the blessings of the 5 dragons, beginning with the element to be empowered. When this isdone, the elemental strikes the item five times, once for each Dragon, spending 5m Ess per strike. Together with teh caster's Essence, this enchants the item to have fantastic powers. This is permanent. Only one instance of RoEE can be on an item at a time. Only mundane nonliving items can be empowered.
The item can EITHER have its weight reduced by 1/5th...this increases weapon speed by 1, and reduces armor mobility and fatigue by 1. OR enchant it so that it becomes cool or cold upon command by committing 1 Ess. Cold adds 2L damage.Air
Enchanting an item with the element of Earth makes it extraordinarily tough. Clothing never wears out, swords never need sharpening, armor gains additional protection for its bearer. Add 2L/2B to any item so empowered.Earth
Fire empowerment allows an item to become warm or hot. Commit 1 mote to warm, or add 2L fire damage. OR enchant an item to be immune to fire.Fire
An item enchanted with Water can change its shape on command. It maintains material qualities, mass and weight, but can adjust its form to the bearer's will. Clothing can retailor itself. Weapons can become unobtrusive items of similar size. Armor can fold up into a compact cube. If damaged while shapeshifted, it will maintain the damage in other forms until repaired. Commit 1 mote to activate.Water
Empowering with Wood allows the object to regenerate rapildy. Dents and cuts in armor seal up. Clothing mends its own tears. WEapons becaome like new after battles. So long as an item has not take enough HL to destroy it, it will heal at 1 HL per hour.Wood


Awakening of the DragonsPg.220X+m
Unlock the sentience of young Dragon Kings from their bestial state. This involves a lengthy ritual, during which the Dragon King must stay within the ritual circle.


Demon of the Second CirclePg.22030+m
Similar to Do1C, but the demon is more powerful and dangerous, and it costs 10m/die to reduce the demon's pool.


Sapphire Circle BanishmentS&S Pg.10515+m
SCB goes into effect as soon as the WP is spent. The caster goes into a contested WP + Ess challenge with the demon. The caster may spend Essence in 5-mote increments to reduce the demon's WP+Ess roll by one die. Continue until one has reached the other's Essence score in successes. If the demon wins, it stays in Creation and the sorc cannot attempt another banishment for 5 days. If the sorc wins, the demon is immediately banished back to Malfaes. Using SCB on a 1st Circle Demon gives the caster 3 automatic successes.


Magma KrakenS&S Pg.13135m
Upon casting this spell, bright red strands of Essence emanate from the caster's fingertips and burrow into the ground within 500 yards. The earth begins to shake in an area extending 50 yards from where the strands struck the ground. On the next turn, tremendous tentacles of superheated molten rock erupt from the ground and sweep through the caster's foes.
The caster chooses where in the 50-yard radius each of the tentacles erupts. Playres of those near where a tentacle bursts forth must make a reflexive Dex+Athletics roll dif 2 to avoid being knocked over. The tentacles last an entire scene unless destroyed or countered. When the spell ends, the kraken tentacles harden into serpentine structures of obsidian.
There are 10 kraken tentacles at the time of casting, each 15 yards long. All of the tentacles have Strength 10 + Caster's Perm Essence. They have a Brawl rating equal to the caster's Occult score, act on the caster's initiative, and deal raw damage of 5L+Str10+Ess. Successes add to damage as usual. 10s count twice. Damage is considered fire damage.
Kraken tentacles have no social or mental atts, and no Stamina. The tentacles are constructs of Essence, and have a sorcerous awareness of the caster's foes that are in range. Kraken tentacles ignore all bashing damage and soak the first 10L of lethal damage from any given attack. They have 10 HL, and regenerate at the endo f each turn. A tentacle must take 10 HL of damage in a single turn to be destroyed.
The caster may take control of a tentacle and use it to do a clinch maneuver. This takes the caster's full concentration and is equivalent to a simple-type Charm so he cannot activate Charms that are not reflexive, split his dice pools, or cast spells. After the first turn of control, the sorc may take one additional tentacle under his control each turn, and can control a maximum number of tentacles equal to his Perception. All of these tentacles may attempt to cling or grapple at their full dice pool, while the others mindlessly smash the closest foe. If the caster's concentration is broken, the clinch or hold of all the tentacles is broken.


Torrential CascadeS&SPg.13630+2
Massive wave of water summoned from target body of water. 20 yds high, 100 yds long. Per+awareness to spot. Cascade moves 300 yds/turn, and travels Ess turns. Destroys all small buildings and does 45B per turn to immobile objects Cascade has Str+Ath 35 to move and uproot boulders and trees, etc. Creatures and small objects take 15B/turn. Exalts etc can avoid with Dex+Ath, dif caster's Essence


Unity of DreamsPg.13720+m
Share dreams while asleep, send emotions to one another, when working towards the same goal, all actions get +1, one can call the others to her side during sleep, but this ends the spell. Lasts for Essence months.


Mirage of Protective ShelterBo3C Pg.7340m
Render all those who bear ill will toward the target area unable to find it, no matter how hard they try for a year and a day. Those with sorcerous sight charms may pierce the mirage, but can only lead up to a dozen mortal warriors, which must be led, blindfolded and roped together. Once the battle begins, however, the effects are temporarily


War Bell
A rare and arcane weapon, the War Bell is about the size of a man's head and is decorated with musical symbols noting the various tones it can reach. When struck, the appropriate symbols glow brilliant gold. The War Bell has three primary functions, all controlled by the striker of the bell and how many times the bell is struck in succession. The War Bell, when rung once, makes a normal attack against everyone within 10 yards. This attack uses the owner's Dexterity + Performance as its base pool. When rung twice, the War Bell attacks demons and fae, filling their ears with a pure tone that causes them to writhe in agony. Such creatures take aggravated damage from this attack. When rung three times, the War Bell's tones take hold of its foes provided it does more damage then their Temperance. For a number of turns equal to the extra damage successes rolled, they are under the control of the bell's player.
The War Bell is rung quickly, two rings or three being in such quick succession that the effects of one or two rings do not take place. So ringing the War Bell three times is a single action, but ringing it once three times in a row is three actions. It should also be noted that the effect of three rings on demons and fae does normal, not aggravated damage, in its attempt to control them and is an attack that simply has extra effects.
War Bells: Damage 10L (piercing) | Accuracy 5 | Defense 0 | Rate 1 | Speed 7 | Committment 7
War Bell+10L(P)(14)+5(13)(18HPM)+0(7)1+7(14)
 Special notes:
 * Uses Dex + Presence
 * Undodgeable. Can be parried.
 * Two rings: Aggravated damage vs. demons and fae
 * Three rings: Controls demons/fae who suffer more levels than their temperance, for turns equal to extra successes. Commits for 7 motes.


Exquisite Bonds of Rapture - Art 5 Moonsilver scarves Committment 3m per scarf from owner, 2m (forced) each from subject if Exalted
Originally intended for the purposes of seduction and the bedroom arts, this artifact can also be used for more sinister purposes, such as brainwashing and 'training' of the subject. The set of five moonsilver scarves' powers are seductive and insidious. They look and feel like deep purple silk shot through with intricate designs in silver thread, picturing all sorts of interesting things.
Wherever the Bonds meet eachother, they can be commanded to seal together seamlessly. This means that no amount of trying can actually untie them, they must be broken to escape. They have 10L/20B soak, and 10L of damage must be done in one turn, or they magically re-seal themselves at the end of the turn.
The Bonds can each extend in length from one to ten feet. This permits the entire body of the subject to be encased, and sealed with but a thought by the owner. It is wise to leave a breathing hole or two.
The Bonds can range in temperature from icy cold to blazing heat. The owner can choose whether or not they cause damage at the extreme ends of the scale. If so, they can do from 1L up to 2L per foot of fabric touching the skin of either Fire or Ice damage, depending on the whim of the owner (aka 1L to 20L each). It can also create an electrical circuit between any two or more of the Bonds, which the owner can choose to cause 2L of electrical damage.
In addition, they can be caused to enhance the sensations of the subject's entire body, although it is most intense where covered directly by the silks. The lightest touch can feel like the most intense pleasure, and the tiniest pain can be amplified to feel like shattered bones. The owner controls the degree of intensification.
The reverse is also true. The Exquisite Bonds of Rapture can produce no sensation at all. A blindfold would let no sight through, bound around the ears, no sound would penetrate. A gag could be tied which no sound could penetrate, allowing the subject's screams to be completely silent. When used while the subject is completely mummified, this creates a feeling of complete sensory deprivation. If suspended this way for too long, many subjects will be driven mad. (Willpower roll, dif the number of days so suspended)
During the Sensory Deprivation mode, the owner can spend one mote for one sense originating from her body to penetrate the Bonds. Touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound are all useful in their ways, and are subject to amplification for an additional mote.
If the ends of the scarves are left free, the owner can turn them into a toy of any type she desires, which will then break off from it. If it requires power, 1 mote must be committed for as long as it is on. These can be returned to the scarves at any point, and new ones extracted.
With the committment of 5 motes to one of the Bonds, any whole trailing ends will come alive and perform the commands of the owner, with but a thought.
The bonds have mastery over their subject's body, and can prevent, prolong, or cause an orgasm of the desired intensity.
Perhaps the most frightening of its powers, is that the Bonds can inflict any emotion upon its subject that their owner desires. This can range from abject terror, to consuming lust, to purest love, and deep trust. The owner can spend up to their Essence in motes, which becomes the difficulty of the Conviction roll to oppose it. Exalts may spend 1 Willpower to double their Conviction roll to resist. While entranced, the emotion seems to have come from the subject, and feels entirely real. Afterwards, however, a Per+Socialize? roll can be made to determine whether the subject realizes the emotions were imposed on him or her.


Blue Daiklave+6L(10)+4(12)+3(10)6+7(14)
 Special notes:
 it resonates negatively with Primordial energy. any being tied to the Primordials gets a -1 (cumulative) to all dicepools whenever struck by it. This includes the Primordials themselves, demons, dragon kings, infernals, and possibly others. Commits for 5 ess.
  Secretive GM Note: It is known as the "Azure Conclusion."


Amulet of the Cold-Hearted BitchIf you attune it for 1 mote, it provides emotional protection, granting increased difficulty on any attempt to sway you, and a bonus die on any roll to determine the feelings of one who cares about you


Essence-Blocking CollarsWhen placed upon the victim's neck, these collars force the Exalt to commit 1 mote of essence, which seals the lock. If the Exalt is out of Essence, they must commit 1WP. While wearing a locked collar, the Exalt cannot channel any Essence. When she tries, the collar causes it to feedback and fail, causing 1B damage. This will not bring the victim below incapacitated. The only way to unlock them is via Zahara spending 1m Essence to do so, as she has worked her prior incarnation's bones into the collars themselves, however simply placing them around the neck of the proper type of exalt will lock them. These collars only work the type of exalt they were designed for. In existance currently are 5 Dragon-Blooded, 1 Solar, 1 Abyssal and 1 Lunar collar, and 1 tree-god collar with the templates securely locked away.


Watery Swordy (off)+4L(8L)+5(14)+2(11)3+4(11)
Watery Swordy (def)+4L(8L)+4(13)+3(12)3+4(11)
Unmanned Armory
Flamberge (fire)+7L+2LF(11+2L)+3(12)0(9)2+7(14)
Ice Hammer (ice)+13B+2LI(17+2B) (P)+1(10)-2(7)1+3(10)
Fighting Chain+3L(7)0(9)+4(12)3+3(10)
7 Section Staff+4L(8)-1(8)+5(13)2+2(9)

-Spent 213-

XP Costs

  • Att........................CR x 4
  • Favored/Caste Ability......(CR x 2) -1
  • Ability....................CR x 2
  • Essence....................CR x 8
  • Virtue.....................CR x 3
  • Willpower..................CR x 2
  • Charm/Spell................10/8
  • Eclipse Charms.............12/10
  • New ability................3
  • New specialty..............3


  • Zahara idly decides that Zee's parents had been mindfrelled by Fae, and that's why she never learned morality.
    <Zahara> cause they didn't have any emotion anymore.
    <Zahara> her whole village!
    <Zahara> cause otherwise, she could have picked it up from the neighbors or something.
    <Zahara> and maybe they had started snacking on her too, but never finished.
    <Cerin> so thats what happned to her compassion!
    <Zahara> yep!
    <Zahara> i could have been a normal child! but the fae! the evil fae took that from me!
    * Zahara weeps

Don't have this yet, waaaahhh

Incarnate Blade StanceSimple10m 1W


Incarnate Blade StanceSIpg.54Reflexive10m 1W
Scenelong. The Exalt’s weapon is her ultimate defense, standing vigilantly between her and anything which might bring her harm. For the remainder of the scene, the character may each turn perfectly block a number of incoming attacks she is aware of equal to her Melee score. This Charm cannot block attacks which are specifi cally unblockable, however. As with other Solar perfect parries, mundane weapons may not survive the parry attempt if used against sufficiently powerful attacks.

"Rend the Seven Veils"

< Varanim The Last | Characters


Page last modified on April 19, 2009, at 07:57 PM