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Fragments of Text Recovered From the Rathess Library

...ordials, fifty unimaginably powerful beings spawned from the pure chaos of the Wyld, built Creation, an island of stability in the unending chaos. Gaia formed the body of the world, the stable rock upon which existence was tethered; Cytherea brought life to the surface of the rock; Lytodea built the structure of fate, which brought with it the passing of time; Yu-Aten built the spiralling glass towers of the heavens, to hang above the world and house the magnificent creators; and Ymitri built for his fellows the noble servants, the Gods, based on the template of his own souls; and they were put to the task of maintaining the world. At the head of these Gods were the Incarna, the greate...

...he Hundredfold, to grant them the prayer they so desired. They were as varied as those who created them, and each bore a proud name: the Dragon-Kings, the Ixlati, the Xi-Mi-Taxi, the Unbecoming, the Falatarena, and others. These races were placed upon the face of Creation to live as they could. One hundred empires flourished and declined, made war and made peace, built grand cities and tore them down. Many of them created great wonders beyond the imagining of the mortal mind: the aal...

...urn agains their own kind. Autochthon, the master of the forge, was denied the love of Cytherea, and grew spiteful and angry. And Gaia, the creator of the humans, grew to care too deeply for them to see them languish in slavery forever. So, secretly, they formed a plan. One day, Autochthon stole into the Jade Palace and taught the Incarna the technique to sever the bl...

...t was a great conflict, fought over five thousand years, but eventually the Exalts triumphed -- conquering the opposing empires, dethroning the demonic souls, and finally forcing even the Primordials to heel before them. At the end of the war, the fifty Primordials were scattered -- 21 slain, 23 imprisoned within Malfeas, two siding with the victors -- and another fou...

...han is the home of the great Incarna and their direct servants. No others may enter, except in very specific circumstances; even the Gods of Creation are barred from its magnificent streets. The most common of these occurs every Calibration, in an event brought about by ancient magics built into the City's very existence by its Primordial creators. Then, for five days, the Carnival of Meeting is held, and Creation's Gods forsake their posts for five days in order to journey to Heaven. The great festival exceeds even the most lavish celebrations of the Solar Deliberative. During this time, the Gods come on official business, meeting with those with overlapping or similar duties; however, the Carnival also provides ideal cover for the Gods' incessant plotting and scheming. The magic of the Carnival prevents all violence, however, preventing these plots from distracting too heavily from the lavish event itself. Humans of any kind are rarely seen at the event, though it is said to be frequently attended by numerous Dra...

...ghts of the Gold Chrysanthemum, reporting directly to the Deliberative, were the first line of defense against incursions by threatening forces from outside Creation. They were also tasked with maintaining the integrity of the Realm itself, a task that they perhaps took too far much later whe...

...r ones were a constant threat to the Realm's borders. The Realm was certainly not defenseless: the Thousand Vicious Roses presented a strong defense against their raids, and the Deliberate Navy could mobilize additional forces at a moment's notice. However, the raids could often overwhelm these forces through sheer force of seemingly infinite, unending numbers. The problem did not significantly abate until the construction of the Realm Maintenance Grid, centrally controlled fro...

Page last modified on March 28, 2007, at 11:21 AM