Minutes of the Solar Deliberative (excerpted)

Current Membership Roster:


  • Zahara Zhan - Empress of the Sunlands, Chief Artificer, Sorceress Supreme
  • Cerin the Wolf - Head of the Shadows Resplendant
  • Kai Buckthorn - Commander of the Radiant Sabers (in absentia)
  • Lucent Copper Haze - Patriarch of the Kashaen
  • Imrama Stormfound - Chief Diplomatic Envoy
  • Phoenix of Ashes - Member at Large (Secret Title: Mistress of the Clandestine Service)
  • Long-Awaited Spring - Neo-Arch-Tactician of the Unified Deliberative Forces and God-King of Wasirru

Member Nations

  • Tepet Ejava, the Viridian Queen - the Free Realm
  • Tsarina Mnemon - United Planar Holdings of Xara
  • Chumyo Karal Linwei - Lookshy (in exile)
  • Oara - Wavecrest Archipelago
  • Xuan Ei - An-Teng
  • Japhir Hegedon - Great Forks
  • Flame of Glory - Veltann
  • Depths-of-Ocean - Coral Archipelago
  • Cathak Ekkarim - Red Kingdom
  • Kivir Khalosh - Chiaroscuro
  • Nikoleta First-Harvest - Ezelakis
  • Jena Roderick - White Flats Alliance
  • Zahir (proxied by Eji) - Silver Pact
  • Isabel - Locust Crusade
  • Winter Leaf - Whitewall (provisional)
  • Elana Jiye - the Haslanti League (provisional)
  • Jelter Hometra - Mt. Metagalapa and the Hinterland Corridor Nations
  • Akuna Ravdash - Arcadia
  • Ssithumi-an-Tohatep - Inhuman Kingdom of Rathess (advisory)

The 1st Deliberation

  • Opening ceremony (0000 hours)
    • Initiation of the Deliberative creed by Zahara Zhan (0001)
    • Motion to discuss alterations to the Deliberative creed in order to render it more appealing to Deliberative members by Flame of Glory (0002)
      • Motion fails to carry, 4-17 (0005)
    • Re-initiation of the Deliberative creed by Zahara Zhan (0006)
  • Floor opened to business (0010)
  • Agenda established (0015)
  • First item: territorial dispute, Arcadia vs. Silver Pact (0016)
    • Eji presents evidence for seven distinct territorial incursions of Arcadian forces into Silver Pact tribelands (0017)
    • Akuna rebuts four individual cases utilizing eyewitness testimony and Essence records gathered from local flora (0027)
    • Polite but vigorous argument (0038)
    • Proposal by Eji to resolve disputes via specific Pact concessions in three cases vs. Arcadian withdrawal in remaining four (0102)
    • Counter-proposal by Akuna to swap one specific concession with another specific withdrawal (0103)
    • Eji accepts offer, puts to vote (0104)
    • Motion carries, 21-0 (0106)
  • Second item: territorial dispute, Whitewall vs. the Haslanti League (0108)
    • Elana Jiye objects, asks that it be noted in the record that the dispute is a personnel dispute (0109)
    • Winter Leaf counter-objects, noting the Haslanti League's violation of established Whitewall borders (0110)
    • Vigorous and non-polite argument (0111)
    • Order restored by intervention of Zahara Zhan (0116)
    • Request to table matter until 2nd Deliberation by Cathak Ekkarim (0117)
    • Motion carries, 16-5 (0119)
  • Third item: formulation of Deliberative policy areas (0120)
    • Read of initial policy areas by Imrama: trade, military action, diplomatic exchange, relation to spiritual hierarchy (0121)
    • Suggestion of "Essence device policy" by Mnemon, approved by no-objection consensus (0122)
    • Suggestion of "Exalt policy" by Kivir Khalosh, approved by no-objection consensus (0123)
    • Suggestion of "war reparations" by Xuan Ei, three objections immediately raised (0124)
    • Vigorous and semi-polite argument (0125)
    • Eventual motion to table topic for future discussion by Eji, passes 13-5 (0140)
  • Fourth item: establishment of formal trade policy (0145)
    • Introductory presentation on current trade relations by Zahara Zhan (0146)
    • Followup presentation on suggested lines of transit and future policy initiatives by Imrama Stormfound (0159)
    • Suggestion of protected food trade policies by Nikoleta First-Harvest(0210)
    • Objection raised by Jena Roderick (0212)
    • Vigorous and polite debate (0213)
    • Motion to develop policy through the agency of a food-trade subcommittee by Jelter Hometra, passes 17-4 (0226)
      • Subcommittee to consist of Nikoleta, Akuna, and Cathak Ekkarim
  • Motion to withdraw from deliberation and close the first session by Zahara Zhan, passes 21-0 (0230)

The 5th Deliberation

  • Opening Ceremony (0700)
    • Initiation of the Deliberative creed by Zahara Zhan (0701)
  • Reading of minutes from previous meeting by Imrama Stormfound (0705)
    • Objection raised by Cathak Ekkarim to description of Red Kingdom policy on slavery as "unnecessarily harsh" (0706)
    • Point raised by Imrama that he is quoting from the reports delivered during the previous deliberation (0707)
    • Cathak Ekkarim moves that it be stricken from the minutes of the previous meeting, three objections raised, motion fails to carry (0708)
  • Old business
  • First item: territorial dispute, Whitewall vs. Haslanti League (cont'd) (0710)
    • Presentation of list of territorial and reparative claims by Winter Leaf, revised edition (0711)
    • Rebuttal by Elana Jiye involving line-item consideration of claims (0725)
    • Loud, angry yelling (0739)
    • Motion to table the topic and continue during the following deliberation by Flame of Glory, passed 17-0 (0754)
  • Second item: transportation policy
    • Proposal for strengthened transportation paths utilizing Essence between member states by Flame of Glory (0756)
    • Objection raised by Depths-of-Ocean regarding the nature and funding of these efforts (0757)
    • Response regarding opportunities for increased trade and openness raised by Flame of Glory (0801)
    • Objection raised by Eji regarding desired levels of secrecy and inaccessibility of member groups (0804)
    • Debate (0805)
    • Proposal placed for non-binding vote by Flame of Glory, passes 15-5 (0820)
    • Subcommittee formed with Flame of Glory, Imrama Stormfound, and Eji to further explore the question (0821)
  • New business
  • First item: external threats to the Deliberative
    • Presentation by Cerin and Tepet Ejava regarding current status of opposing forces (0830)
    • Questions regarding current Deliberative military policy from Japhir and Jelter (0855)
    • Presentation from Chumyo Linwei regarding current status of Lookshy Occupied Region (0900)
    • Presentation by Zahara Zhan regarding current level of faerie threat (0921)
    • Discussion and debate regarding the creation of a Deliberative-aligned military force (0940)
    • Statement by Akuna stating willingness to host foreign military forces on Arcadian soil as needed for response to Creationwide threats (1001)
    • Motion by Mnemon to create a provisional war council to serve as immediate response group to situations imminent danger, passed 15-3 (1005)
      • Motion by Tepet Ejava to include herself, Cathak Ekkarim, Mnemon, Zahara, Cerin, Thirteen Blooming Flowers, and Chumyo Linwei; passed 20-0 (1008)
      • Motion by Akuna to be included upon the war council, passed 10-0 (1010)
      • Motion by Jena Roderick to be included upon the war council in representation of smaller nations' interest, failed 6-10 (1015)
  • Second item: acceptance of Isabel as a representative from the Locust Crusade
    • Brief speech by Imrama Stormfound, as the sponsor, introducing the representative (1020)
    • Objection raised by Kivir Khalosh regarding admittance of representative from extra-planar invasion force (1022)
    • Response by Imrama discussing the current settlement situation of the Atomnosi (1024)
    • Objection raised by Flame of Glory regarding the admittance of an actively expansionistic military-force nation (1029)
    • Response by Imrama discussing terms of admittance and rejection of further military conquests in exchange for food and Deliberative membership (1030)
    • Polite and calm debate (1032)
    • Vote for admittance called to the floor by Zahara; passes, 10-3 (1050)
  • Motion to withdraw from deliberation and close the session by Zahara; passes, 20-0

The 8th Deliberation

  • Opening Ceremony (1430)
    • Initiation of the Deliberative creed by Long-Awaited Spring (1432)
    • Request by Zahara that the record indicate that she let Spring lead the Deliberative creed (1438)
  • Reading of minutes from previous meeting by Imrama Stormfound (1439)
    • Clarifying question regarding the specific agreed-upon disposal of excess pigmeat by Jelter Hometra (1441)
    • Direction by Oara to reference the provided documentation regarding disposal for further information (1442)
  • Old business
  • First item: territorial dispute, Whitewall vs. Haslanti League (cont'd) (1450)
    • Pre-emptive motion by Kivir Khalosh asking whether the provisional deliberators are prepared to reach an agreement (1451)
    • Non-committal responses from Winter Leaf and Elana Jiye (1453)
    • Motion by Kivir Khalosh to table the matter for future consideration, passes 21-0 (1454)
  • New business
  • First item: intelligence-sharing
    • Question raised by Japhir regarding the level of intelligence information being gathered and shared with the Deliberative (1500)
    • Vigorous debate regarding responsibilities of member nations and Exalts to share information regarding threats to Creation (1501)
    • No strong consensus reached, matter determined to be further discussed in future Deliberations (1514)
    • Further question raised regarding intelligence possessed by nations operating in the provisional war council by Jena Roderick (1516)
    • Statement by Akuna that no information necessary for any Deliberative nation's defense will be deliberately withheld (1517)
    • Followup statement noting that Arcadia's troops are ready to commit as needed to protect Creation's people (1518)
    • Question raised by Nikoleta regarding whether member nations are truly protected against outside threats (1519)
    • Vigorous and spirited debate (1520)
  • Interruption: Ahina arrives to mention unusual undead activity in the Shadowlands regions outside Whitewall (1543)
    • Deliberation adjourned by no-objection vote (1545)

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Page last modified on November 29, 2008, at 03:10 AM