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Full-Sized Chart

  • Suns are Solars.
  • Moons are Lunars.
  • Eight-pointed stars are Sidereals.
  • Ouroboros are D-Bs.
  • Swords are weapons.
  • Cities are cities.
  • Pinwheels are Primordials.
  • Pointy business cards are third circle demons, which means that they're also Primordial souls.
  • Gold regular polygons are creatures from outside Creation.
  • Four-leafed bits are important events.
  • Green bumpy bits are Hundredfold.
  • Baby pinwheels are Behemoths
  • Blue figure-eighty things are Shadeborn.


  • Grey = corrupted
    • Darkened Suns = corrupted? just working for the enemy?
      • Ymir
      • Kiraith
      • Rosada
      • Azure Wind
    • Darkness also fills
      • Cececlyne
      • Laerad
      • Estadis (DB)
      • Malfaes
      • Nyx
      • Vhuel (lunar)
      • Skalexis (dead)
    • Erevel is not filled with darkness -- he's also the only Primordial on the sheet who's definitely not a Yozi (because of the story of the chalice), and Cecelyne, Malfeas, and Nyx definitely ARE Yozi.
  • Purple
    • Malfean. Auna was the First Malfean, the first Primordial killed, during the Threefold Breaking. Nyx would now also be Purple.
      • Auna
  • Yellow
    • ?
      • Galen

Arrow Types

Arrows suggest direction of influence? Certainly 'equal' relationships, like romance, seem to have no arrows either way


May have sidereal connotations

  • Yellow is Journies
  • Blue is Serenity
    • fits with love being blue beads
  • Red is Battles
  • Green is secrets
  • Purple is endings
    • the purple lines signify bureaucracy
  • The golden lines signify Exalts who were in Circles together.
  • The blue beaded lines signify a romantic relationship.
  • The thick black lines represent one thing causing the death of another.
  • The dashed thick black line represents an unclear or confusing murder.
  • The thin black lines represent one thing creating or being responsible for another.
  • Thin black dashes?
  • The purple lines signify command.
  • The black beaded lines mean ??? Wei Dan was present at Golbai, as were Hgthura and the Darkbrood.
  • The green lines possibly green is advice. All green lines are arrows. Links Siram=>Kiriath, cyth->lunar etc. different line types = different nature of advice?
  • The green dashed lines
  • The green beaded line
    • Arrow from Wei-Dan to Askaru
    • Arrow from Evarel to Siram
    • Long term strategic advice? Confidant?
  • The red barred.
    • Arrow from Siram to Ymir.
  • The purple barred lines connect the three Primordials who "stood amidst the world" to three cities. What does this mean? homes?
  • The red lines - none have arrows. Allies? Defenders?
  • The grey line
    • Links Wei-Dan and Zin Bei-la. ends in circles
  • Black barred
    • Links Arexus and the daybreaker. no ends.
    • Could be 'lives on in?'/'ressurected in'
  • The thick blue line

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Page last modified on August 05, 2009, at 12:01 AM