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Chrysanthemum Scraps

Regional Destinies, pg. 347

  • Ael, Ascending Musician, 5003
  • Crystal, Ascending Captain, 5000
  • Gem, Descending Crow 5000 -- inscribed on corestone by conv 3; prepare semi-periodic maintenance checks
  • Kesselia, Descending Shield, 5002
  • Meru, Descending Key 5001 -- see also supplemental report 424-1-e, Destinies of Meru
  • Supnashtim,
    • Descending Messenger, 3486
    • Descending Mask, 4122
    • Ascending Treasure Trove, 4667
    • Ascending Pillar, 4997
    • Descending Gauntlet, 5000
    • Resplendent Banner, 5001
    • Descending Crow, 5007
    • Descending Sword, 5012
    • this final destiny is unreadable
  • Thorns, Descending Sorcerer 4999 -- observed via bgp triangulation, conv 267; see supporting document 313-a-x
  • Upesh Lateo, Ascending Guardians, 1670, 3341, (5012) projected?

Seniority Report, pg. 5

Guild Commerce Gentle Heavenly Adjustments Committee

  • Ebeth Olianis
    • Winter Crocus
    • Kailebar Kal
    • Berwyn

Creation-Bound Wondrous Monuments Effortless Sightseeing Committee

  • Gentle Egg
    • Psivar
    • Repose Upon The Longest Journey

Shadowed Hand of Creeping Doom Committee

  • Vast Horizon
    • Ikara
    • Ox-Tailed Juadi
    • Espabar Mo

Third Age Speculative Planning Committee

  • Seven Leaping Herons
    • {Other positions on this committee have yet to be filled}

Solar Exalt Re-emergence Report, pg. 7

...re-emergence is not immediately visible.

Our first documented case occurred in RY 763, after an initial warning announcement issued on Ascending Water 13. The Seventh Quadrant Azimuth Sphere was dispatched to the Silent Crescent to investigate a reading, presuming a seven-day investigative window; in reality we were seven days late. Our subject, Dekinesh Six-Leaves, had already taken the mantle of a god amongst the local population, wearing red and gold facepaint and commanding obeisance and homage. A minor behemoth, the Sixth Conspicuous Executor of the Floral Estate, had been harrying the local population, and our Sphere found its body stripped back, flayed into pieces, and strung through the trees. Given the challenges presented by this initial contact, immediate resolution of the matter was delayed, and did not occur until Resplendent Wood 1. (See supplemental document 910-42-311-S-S on the matter of this resolution.)

Based on the evidence of this case, as well as the Xin Fei, Ahmekhet, and Polari Dawn cases (records 614-617-* inclusive), our committee formally recommended that the Executive Order Regarding Dispensation of the Solar Exalted Population (913-Q-R-11) be set aside or modified, such that a more direct hand might be taken in our dealings with...

Personnel File Fragments

Seven Leaping Herons

...the Ebi Ro period, he operated with a Sphere of Second Blossom-level acolytes in the Ebil's Run location. This period represented a lull in overall fate security threat level, which led to a period of experimentation with societal and magical factors in order to better achieve Chrysanthemum strategic goals. Under Herons' observation, the Ebil's Run Sphere took indirect control of a single settlement, Rajise, as well as three familial lines: the...

Qian Mian

...assignment to the Leaden Footstep Demon's Watch Duty. This assignation is traditionally given for seven years, but unusually enough Qian Mian re-upped, performing two additional Malfeas tours. During this time he was instrumental in defeating three distinct incursions into Meru fatespace involving demons of the higher circles. (Much later, Qian was reassigned as a director of the Demon's Watch, see below for...


...early investigations of Netheos after the destruction wreaked upon it in the later days of the Primordial War. Leading a group expedition along with Eldest Southern Fire and Sivis Ses, she was the first Exalt to gain access to the Labyrinth and the first to report on the nature of the Malfeans and their final resting places. After the untimely deaths of her fellow explorers, she continued these expeditions on her...

Jinia Azure-Feather

...of the primary members of the Heavy But Certain Destiny committee during the waning period of the Third astrological dispensation. In opposition to an initially conservative viewpoint on this committee, she argued for swift armed uprising as the most effective and reliable method. Though initially unfavorable, this approach gained in support after the Akhzen massacre in which twenty thousand were killed during...

Ubo Uato

...served as Third Pledged Sword to Project Red. He inherited the initial project notes from his field predecessor, Akim Dox, and managed the direct contact and observation teams assigned while Herons and Sepiriel took over primary Commander positions. Was individually responsible for guiding the subject to receive the delivery on the Echos Island waterfront. Uato reported killed in action during the late stages of the project when the subject observed his supernatural status and employed the previously undetected Essence-Unmaking Typhoon to...

Report on Lai Misuna, pg. 3

...based on our knowledge of destiny Red-Zenith-37, it was recognized that the individual known as Lai Misuna would require immediate, long-term assessment and modification. After some debate amongst the Apex Sphere, Seven Leaping Herons assigned himself personally to act on the matter. Noting an opportunity upon a particularly fortunate accident amongst the family, Herons inserted himself into the role of Grav Misuna in order to guide the development of the destiny mark. The accoutrements of the trifold destiny were placed in the nearby area and the tools of realization were made readily available such that the destiny might properly be achieved.

This report has been commissioned to investigate the nature of our predictive failure on this question. The Retrospect Committee has identified four key questions regarding this matter: why did the Gold Convergence fail to align with destiny Red-Zenith-37, based on our existing projections on the matter and a properly arranged Key Destiny Event? What force caused our monitoring to lose track of the destiny mark shortly after this event until a singular recontact months later? How will these events affect the execution of Red-Zenith-37? And to what degree is Seven Leaping Herons, and the Fivescore Fellowship at large, culpable for these events? This report will attempt to....

A Handwritten Note

It doesn't matter how long you try to outlast me. It doesn't matter how far you try to run. I will find you.



Chron. Ordered Destinies

  • Upesh Lateo, Ascending Guardians, 1670, 3341, (5012) projected?
  • Supnashtim,
    • Descending Messenger, 3486
    • Descending Mask, 4122
    • Ascending Treasure Trove, 4667
    • Ascending Pillar, 4997
  • Thorns, Descending Sorcerer 4999 -- observed via bgp triangulation, conv 267; see supporting document 313-a-x
  • Supnashtim,
    • Descending Gauntlet, 5000
  • Crystal, Ascending Captain, 5000
  • Gem, Descending Crow 5000 -- inscribed on corestone by conv 3; prepare semi-periodic maintenance checks
  • Meru, Descending Key 5001 -- see also supplemental report 424-1-e, Destinies of Meru
  • Supnashtim,
    • Resplendent Banner, 5001
  • Kesselia, Descending Shield, 5002
  • Ael, Ascending Musician, 5003
  • Supnashtim,
    • Descending Crow, 5007
    • Descending Sword, 5012
    • this final destiny is unreadable

Page last modified on April 06, 2009, at 05:56 PM