SI Characters?

Stuff in SolInvictus that we found in our tombs and suchlike:

  • Birds
    • A robe
      • fills the wearer with a deep intensity. when worn, any virtue channel OR virtue check causes the relevant virtue to increase by one until the robe is removed, to a maximum of +4 to each virtue. 3m att.
    • A staff
      • can be used as a magical staff weapon; has three effects: tap once and spend 3m to restore a small area to bloom; tap twice and spend 6m to clear an area of even magical obfuscations; tap thrice and spend 9m to open any doorway. 5m att.
    • A set of hand chains
      • allows the wearer's hands to operate in more than one place simultaneously -- 1m each to perform an additional simultaneous action with that hand. 3m att
    • Sandals
      • grant utterly silent movement as a perfect effect, 2m att
  • Kai
    • A lion-head brooch
      • Grants +5 dice to performance rolls when worn and requires difficulty 2 willpower checks to attack the wearer while orating or performing, 5m att
    • A scabbard
      • Whenever Daybreaker has been stored within for a full day, it provides +1 to the sword's acc., dmg., and speed.

SI Characters?

Page last modified on July 21, 2007, at 02:16 PM