
Lion's Roar Technique
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant (or one yell, in dramatic time)
Type: Simple
Minimum Presence: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Presence Meditation

A Solar with the Lion's Roar Technique need never fear being unheard. Her Essence resonates the sound of her voice, amplifying at as though she stands at a cathedral podium. This acoustic lens increases her voice's range and volume; it is equivalent to ten times her Essence voices speaking in perfect unison, and can be understood at a distance of fifty yards times her Essence, unless it encounter a massive obstacle of the Five Magical Materials. At the limit of this distance, it rapidly fades to inaudibility. She may invoke the Charm for a lesser effect at her option, choosing any value for one invocation's Essence less than or equal to her own. However, she cannot decouple the voice's volume and range.

Dreadful Disembodied Voice
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Presence Meditation

Using this Charm, the Chosen cast their voices aside. While it is in effect, the user may cause his voice to issue from any point within 5 yards per Essence dot, which is approximately in sight. The point can be concealed by an obstruction approximately as large as a piece of furniture, but not by a massive object or wall. The scale of the obstruction depends on the environment; "behind that elephant" is appropriate in a circus tent or outdoors, but not in a bathroom, whereas "behind the toilet" is appropriate in that setting. It is also possible to make the voice appear to issue from an object.

While her voice is separated from her body, the Solar need make no motion in order to speak with it.

Hundred Voices, One Throat
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Lion's Roar Technique, Dreadful Disembodied Voice

With this art, the Solar learns to speak with many tongues. While the Charm is in effect, she possesses a number of independently-operating voices equal to her Essence. They may speak simultaneously. They may also operate distinctly, or emulate the sound of a small crowd.

Though each voice is slightly different, their timbre and accent is recognizably that of the Exalt unless she makes some effort to disguise them. Should she alter her voices, she may apply differing alterations to each voice independent of the others; a single invocation of a supernatural modification is sufficient to alter any number of voices.

If the Exalt is using other supernatural voice enhancements, she may freely assign those enhancements to her voices; each enhancement is good for one voice. It is up to the ST's discretion whether a particular effect constitutes an alteration or an enhancement.

Memories of the Floating World
Cost: -
Duration: Permanent
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Socialize: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Mastery of Small Manners, Motive-Discerning Technique

Several Eclipse-Caste Charms present the Chosen with temporary social knowledge; for instance, Mastery of Small Manners and Excellent Emissary's Tongue. This Charm permanently extends the ability of all Charms of this class. By condensing his knowledge into a compact set of axioms and rules of derivation, the Exalted can permanently learn any knowledge temporarily gleaned from such Charms; while the Charm in question is in effect, he may spent 1 XP to record the knowledge permanently. This allows him to release the Essence supplying that knowledge.

In addition to this capacity, the Chosen's knowledge is explicitly communicable through normal effort.

Page last modified on March 18, 2009, at 09:30 PM