SI Characters?

Duel-Invocation Stance
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Presence: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Presence Meditation

All extras who lay eyes on the Solar move unassumingly, as not to draw attention to themselves, yet swiftly for cover. Targets designated by the Solar within a radius of (Essence x10) yards feel a sense of foreboding and are compelled to confront the character. "Confronting" here means meeting the Solar's gaze (under conditions where each character can clearly see the other or otherwise percieve them with their primary sense) and then engaging in at least one turn of combat or parley. Players of characters who wish to resist the effect must make a successful Willpower roll each turn, with a difficulty equal to the Solar's Essence, or be compelled to make the confrontation. Target's may spend one Willpower to resist the compulsion for the turn (whether before or after the Willpower roll).

Mantle of Staggering Awe
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Permanent
Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Unearthly Countenance, Beloved Visitor Stance

This charm causes a permanent change to the character's Anima Banner, and therefore should not be taken lightly. The character's Anima works to support her efforts, reinforcing the effects of other Presence charms she employs. Henceforth, the Exalt's Anima burns twice as bright at all levels, and, beginning at the 3rd level (8-10 motes) forms a broad sash of bright light over one shoulder and around the other side. This badge of celestial office names its bearer in Old Realm script as a giver of law to all the world, and a bearer of the mandate of heaven. Also, once this charm is learned, all Presence charms add the current level of the Exalt's anima banner to her permanent Essence rating for the purpose of all such charms.

Righteous Exemplar Stance
Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Presence: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Beloved Visitor Stance

Moving deftly between iconic postures of purity and grace, the character becomes a paragon of virtue to all who encounter her. Her every behavior becomes the model for all who trust, follow or respect her - so long as this charm remains active, they will endeavor to be at least as virtuous as she in all regards. Only those of a lower permanent Essence than the character are subject to this charm, and then only if they already acknowledge her social, moral or temporal authority in some way - this may be the result of dynamics established through roleplaying, or by other charms. All such subjects are compelled (by fear, awe, or whatever other means defines their relationship to the exalt) to meet or exceed the character's moral example. This is usually defined by negative injunctions: so long as she does not lie, no one in her presence may lie. So long as she refrains from violence, no one in her presence may employ it.

Positive injunctions (giving half of all you own to the poor, welcoming any guest who knocks on your door, etc.) and finer distinctions (resorting to violence, but refusing to kill) may be possible to express through creative stunting, but the taboos and imperatives must be expressed clearly without being stated directly - this charm is based on Presence, after all, not Performance. As always, the Storyteller remains the final arbiter as to what can and cannot be reasonably interpreted through body-language, tone, and behavioral example.

The moral strictures imposed by this charm end with its duration, although they may have a broad impact on ethical systems that are exposed to them if the exalt has more than just transient, essence-fueled influence. This charm is considered a perfect effect when competing with any effect that would cause a subject to act against the character's example, including a subject's own attempts to resist the compulsion.

Wyld-Looting Method
Cost: 13 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Lore: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Integrity-Protecting Prana

This charm allows its user to extend the fixed reality of Creation over the chaotic objects of the Wyld. When she discovers a particularly desirable item within the Wyld, she may carry it back with her into Creation: this charm grants the object a permanent reality, forcing it to become a part of Creation. Wyld objects and artifacts may be rendered real in this way no matter how improbable or weird their form or function. This charm cannot effect more than 50 pounds of material per point of the character's permanent Essence.

Self-Discovering Voyage Technique
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower, 4 experience
Duration: One Day
Type: Simple
Minimum Sail: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Incomprable Navigation Technique

A sailor can gain and lose much at sea: in wealth, in power, and in knowledge of herself. By means of this charm, a Solar sets out on a journey by ship in order to cast something about herself overboard, to make space for the new. The voyage may or may not have a particular destination in mind, but it must last at least a day. At the end of that time, the Solar may discard up to Wits+Sail charms and/or combos, regaining the experience spent on them.

Golden Essence Cannons
Cost: 10 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One day
Type: Simple
Minimum Sail: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Phantom Crew Technique

The Solar arms his ship with weaponry of purest sunlight. This charm creates a number of ship-to-ship weapons equal to the Exalt's Essence. These guns appear affixed to the ship in the location(s) of the Solar's choosing, but must be distributed as evenly as possible between the port, starboard, forward and aft sections of the ship (for instance: a second gun may not be placed on the ship's forward section until at least one gun is assigned to the aft, port and starboard directions), thus limiting the number of guns that can be brought to bare against a single target. Each gun has the following statistics:

Acc: [Essence-5]
Damage: [Essence x3]L
Rate: 1/[25-(Essence x5)] (example: Essence 4 results in a rate of 1 shot every 5 turns)
Range: [Essence x100]
Crew: [8-Essence] (to a minimum of 1)

Unequaled Solar Cannonry
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Sail: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Golden Essence Cannons

With this charm, the Solar's Golden Essence Cannons become dire and terrible weapons. For purposes of calculating the statistics of the armaments summoned by Golden Essence Cannons, the character's Permanent Essence is increased by his Sail rating. This charm does not need to be activated: it simply enhances the Exalt's capabilities.

Wyld-Navigating Fugue
Cost: 10 motes
Duration: One Journey
Type: Special
Minimum Sail: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Incomprable Navigation Technique

The Wyld is a place of infinite possibility, and infinite danger. Touching all that there is, the Wyld is, to a sailor of the cosmos, the ultimate sea. This charm makes it possible for the Exalt to sail the unbounded potentials of the Wyld.

To use this charm, the Solar must sail her ship into an area at least touched by the Wyld. For these purposes, the Wyld has five levels, each of which provides a dice modifier to this charm's activation roll:

Wyld TypeModifier
Tainted Lands-3
Deep Wyld+1
Pure Chaos+3

Uncapped Demesnes equate to these categories based on their rating: 1-2=Tainted Lands, 3=Bordermarches and 4-5=Middlemarches. Once in Wyld territory, the Solar may activate this charm, rolling Wits+Sail. The difficulty of this roll is determined by how far away the Solar's intended destination is:

Location of DestinationDifficulty
In the same region ("Direction" in Creation)2
In an ajacent region4
In a non-ajacent region6
On an ajacent plane8
On a non-ajacent plane10

The number of successes the Solar achieves beyond the set difficulty determines the time it takes to reach that destination.

1One year
2One month
3One week
4One day
5One hour

This time is a measure of how long the travel takes in the objective time of reality (and the objective length of the lives mortals and Exalts), not in the subjective time of the Wyld. While traveling in the Wyld, the normal risks apply, including the danger of mutation from Wyld exposure (as detailed on p. 209 of Exalted: the Lunars). Wyld exposure rolls should be called for based on the type of Wyld that the Exalt's ship was in when this charm was activated and the amount of objective time elapsed in travel. At the end of this charm's duration (assuming the Wits+Sail roll was successful) the Solar's vessel emerges from the Wyld at the nearest point possible to her stated destination. The Wyld touches all planes at their perifery, and in certain fickle points throughout each depending on the location of Demesnes - thus, depending on the specific location she is trying to reach, a Solar may be able to cover nearly all, or only some of the distance to her hoped-for destination.

On a failure, the Solar loses an hour wandering fruitlessly in the Wyld, and may either exit again from her point of entry, or make another attempt with this charm. On a botch, the Solar and her ship lose at least one day of objective time and encounter one serious hazard per "1" rolled. Serious hazard include behemoths and other dangerous creatures of the Wyld, attack by Raksha, Wyld Storms of difficulty 8 or higher, and Wyld exposure rolls for the Deep Wyld or Pure Chaos.

Players are explicitly encouraged to describe their passage through the Wyld in order to stunt rolls with this charm. They may also, with the Storyteller's permission and approval, add one serious hazard (to a maximum of their character's permanent Essence rating) to the journey created by a successful roll with this charm. Each hazard added to the journey, which must be survived or overcome by the Solar (and any companions) as normal, decreases the amount of objective time spent in transit by one success beyond the number rolled (from "One week" to "One hour" for instance).

Out-of-Nowhere Maneuver
Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Sail: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Ignore the Wind's Course Technique

With this charm, any ship the Solar pilots or commands may appear from nowhere, even on the clearest day. This supplements a Sail roll made to avoid detection or set an ambush, and has two effects. First, it doubles the successes on the roll, before any situational penalties are applied. Second, it allows the Solar and her ship to attempt concealment even if there are no obstacles to hide behind, at a maximum difficulty penalty of +4.

Radiant Solar Sailors Technique
Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Day
Type: Simple
Minimum Sail: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Phantom Crew Charm

By means of this charm, the Solar expands dramatically on the foundation of Phantom Crew Charm. This charm also provides sailors made of solid light, but in much greater abundance than its prerequisite. Specifically, an Exalt may crew a number of vessels equal to twice her Sail rating by means of this charm. The phantom sailors have all of the requisite skills to perform any job aboard ship, and will fulfill their creator's orders to the best of their ability, including complex commands to be executed in her absence. In all other ways, the effects of this charm are identical to those of Phantom Crew Charm.

Cloud-Tilling Flotilla Approach
Cost: 25 motes, 2 Willpower
Duration: One Day
Type: Simple
Minimum Sail: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Fleet of Sol Invictus, Sun-Drenched Airship Style

The charm creates an assemblage of ships identical to those of Fleet of Sol Invictus, save that these vessels may also move through the air at their normal speeds, and require no wind propulsion.

Artillery of the Unconquered Sun
Cost: 15 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Day
Type: Simple
Minimum Sail: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Golden Essence Cannons

This charm creates Essence weapons identical to those brought into being by its prerequisite, just in much larger quantities. Artillery of the Unconquered Sun follows the same pattern as Golden Essence Cannons, creating a number of guns equal to the Exalt's Essence rating. It does so, however, for a number of separate ships equal to the Exalt's Sail rating x2. In all other ways, the effects of this charm and the arms it creates are identical to those of Golden Essence Cannons, including any and all modifications from Unequaled Solar Cannonry or similar enhancement charms.

Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Wise Arrow

The character's awareness of how Essence flows flows through both weilder and weapon allows for a dramatic increase in the damage inflicted with a firewand. Firing such a weapon and activating this charm, the once thin stream of flame expands to twice its normal girth, spiraling out from its center like a blossoming peony of flame. This charm doubles the damage of a single attack with a firewand or similar weapon, applied before the target's soak is subtracted from the gross damage of the attack.

Lightning Draw Stance
Cost: 2 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Archery: 3
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique

In activating this charm, vibrant cobalt lightning crackles and coalesces about the Exalt's forearm as, in one fluid motion, she readies her firewand and fires. She ignores any and all penalties for not having her weapon ready at the start of combat, and adds her Essence to her Initiative rating.

Twin Salamander Fist
Cost: 3 motes
Duration: One scene
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Archery: 4
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Lightning Draw Stance

While this charm is active, the Exalt ignores the "off hand" penalty for fighting with a weapon in each hand, so long as both weapons are firewands. She also reduces the multiple action penalty for split actions involving firewands by 1, to a minimum of zero.

Lightning-Silouette Procedure
Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: One scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Twin Salamander Fist

This charm summons into being a translucent image of the Exalt which hangs about her somewhat like a shadow. The image follows her commands as an extension of her body, and its head and limbs move independantly of her own, but it may not step outside of her completely - the two torsos must always overlap, at the very least. The Exalt's weapons are copied as well, and loading the original(s) loads the duplicate(s) with the same quanity of ammunition. Functionally, the effect is similar to the Exalt's having a second pair of arms, although the ability to "look over her shoulder" through the silouette's eyes can also prove beneficial.

While active, this charm reduces the multiple action penalty by 3, doubles the effective rate of firewand attacks made by the Exalt as well as doubling the value of each round of ammunition, and removes the penalty for flanking attacks and attacks from behind. As a further, minor effect, the Exalt's voice becomes severely distorted as long as this charm remains active, as her every word is echoed thunderously by her electric twin.

Caress of 1,000 Hells
Cost: 7 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Varies
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Twin Salamander Fist

When invoking this charm, the Exalt attunes herself to the ambient lines of Essence, pulling them through her and focusing and filtering these energies through her righteous will, as tongues of celestial fire and lightning writhe about her head and shoulders. The Exalt fires her weapon and an Essence-enriched deluge of cobalt and gold flame engulfs her target. Any flammable item within the Exalt's Essence in yards around the target is incinerated. The damage of the attack is Aggravated, and the target is engulfed in flames for a number of turns equal to the Exalt's permanent Essence.

This burning has two consequences: first, the target suffers the base damage of the Exalt's attack each turn; this damage is not Aggravated, and may be soaked as normal. Second, after soaking the initial damage of the attack, the target's player must make a reflexive Stamina + Resistance roll, difficulty 3, for the character. If the roll succeeds, the target suffers a penalty equal to the Exalt's permanent Essence rating to all dice pools. If the roll fails, the target can do nothing but writhe on the ground in agony. Characters who fail this roll may reflexively re-attempt this roll each turn to regain the ability to act, though each such attempt comes with a cumulative +1 difficulty. This debilitating effect remains as long as the character continues to burn with Essence-driven flame (again, the Exalt's permanent Essence in turns).

Heaven and Earth Ammunition Approach
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Permanent
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Caress of 1,000 Hells

Firewands are weapons of flame, buring and bright. Alone among all the mundane weapons of Creation, the firewand has the most intrinsically elemental nature, dealing death through an element in its nearly purest form. At the same time, a Solar is linked by nature to the sun, and by association to all the forces of the heavens. This charm allows a Solar who wields a firewand to bend its elemental disposition, infusing the qualities of the fundamental elements of Creation into the firewand's normal attack. As a secondary benefit, this charm also makes it possible to substitute other elements for the fire attacks normally generated by firewands.

Upon first purchasing this charm, the Exalt learns to infuse a single element, which is always fire. The process is begun by purifying and refining the basic elemental attack of a firewand, before branching out into the Terrestrial Elements. This charm may be purchased additional times, each time adding a new element type (elements may not be purchased more than once each). The Solar must know at least three Terrestrial Elements before learning any of the Celestial Elements, and must begin the later, in any case, with Sun.

All attacks made with firewands by the Exalt may benefit from a number of the elemental infusions she knows equal to half her Permanent Essence (rounded up), flowing like the sea, flashing like lightning and so on. With each shot, she may add additional elements that she knows at the cost of 1 mote each (this is a reflexive, non-Charm effect). She may also, as a reflexive effect, substitute any elemental type she knows for the normally fire-based damage of her attacks. This effect is largely cosmetic, but substitution does change the source of damage (making it easier to harm beings and objects with a special resistance to fire, or special vulnerability to wood, for instance) and can also be useful when igniting uncontrolled fires is a concern, or when generating a large burst of elemental material (such as water) might be beneficial. The possible elemental effects are:

  • Air - Air strikes like lightning, stabbing home where resistance is weak. Inflicts Piercing damage.
  • Earth - Earth rolls like an avalanche, unyielding in force. Halves successes of attempts to block the attack.
  • Fire - Fire burns with dire wrath, decimating all that lives. Inflicts Heroic damage (10s count as two successes each).
  • Water - Water lashes as a tidal wave, spreading in all directions. Halves successes of attempts to dodge the attack.
  • Wood - Wood chokes like deep forest roots, burrowing into supple soil. Halves the target's Natural Soak against the attack.
  • Moon - Moon changes with cunning, drifting overhead as a predator stalking prey. The attack must be defended against as though the target was being attacked from behind. When Moon is substituted in as the damage source of an attack, that attack may only damage creatures and objects of the Wyld.
  • Star - Star shines softly, guiding the world from a distance. The attack roll's target number is reduced by one, to a minimum of 4. When Star is substituted in as the damage source of an attack, that attack may only damage Spirits (as distinguished specifically from Demons, Ghosts and the like) and does so regardless of whether they are materialized or not.
  • Sun - Sun beams brightly, cresting over the horizon to push back the night. Creatures of darkness suffer Aggravated damage from the attack. When Sun is substituted in as the damage source of an attack, that attack may only damage creatures and objects of darkness (whether materialized or not).

World Is My Weapon
Cost: 4 Motes
Duration: Once Scene
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Heaven and Earth Ammunition Approach

The world is a dangerous place, and this charm renders it all the more so for the exalt's enemies. The very fabric of reality bends to execute her violent impulses so that if she wishes, she need never draw arms again. While active, the Solar may make her attacks by calling down comets and shooting stars from the heavens, lightning from the hands or eyes, fire from the earth, or any other sort of harmful natural force from her person or the world around her. Such attacks use the statistics of any weapon that she carries, or of a basic Firewand in the event that she is unarmed. While it may not be quite so obvious that the attack came from the exalt, if she strikes with an anonymous comet rather than a drawn pistol, it is completely obvious to all forms of Essence-sight, and the Solar still must make her will known to the world that executes it, with some word or guesture to indicate she wishes the target harm.

Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack
Cost: 6 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Caress of 1,000 Hells

This charm transforms the stream of fire unleashed by the Exalt's flamebolt weapon into a glorious creature of living flame: as she squeezes the trigger, a golden phoenix, its wingspan three yards or more, is birthed into the world. The creature flies swiftly and accurately in the direction of the Exalt's choosing, striking a target, an object, or simply the ground and exploding in a glorious conflagration.

The attack supplemented by this charm strikes an area rather than a single target. All beings and objects, including friends, foes, and the Exalt herself, within (Essence x 5) yards of the impact are subject to this single attack, which may not be blocked or dodged without a charm or stunt.

Azure Abacus Meditation
Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Minimum Archery: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Phoenix Flies on Golden Wings Attack

The Exalt using this Charm draws a controlled, deep breath and holds it. She extends her sense to perceive the ebb and flow of Essence that permeates the world around her. As she concentrates, the tenuous connections that tie her and her weapon to her target become glaringly apparent to her. At this point, she can close her eyes, for she need not see her target to strike it. Her Caste Mark flares and pulses with the beating of her own heart. At the same moment, a series of notched rings of silvery azure light encircle her target. They are of varying widths, numbering between three and nine in total, and rotate around the target at odd angles, some spinning clockwise, while others spin widdershins.

This is the Azure Abacus. In the days of the First Age, this Charm was an artful meditation of the most introspective and intimate -- and, some considered -- prideful -- nature, for it measured, some believed, a soul's nature, existence, and importance in the grand scope of Creation. Unfortunately, in this dark Age, the knowledge of how to glean any pertinent information from such a display is completely lost, even to the martial artist invoking this Charm. If there are any alive who remember how to gauge the delicate nuances of the Azure Abacus, they are not sharing the information.

Upon reaching this harmonious state, the Exalt invoking this Charm fires her weapon, and her shot zeroes in on her target, trailing a brilliant comet's tail of flaming Essence. As the fireball closes in on its target, this ancient accounting begins to solve itself. The rings begin to align, starting with the innermost, and quickly rectify themselves a hairsbreadth moment before the martial artist's attack hits. In this perfect moment just before the Exalt's attack strikes the middle of the Abacus, time slows to an immeasurable halt.

The Exalt's target perceives the rectified rings about him shift their shape. The very air sings a melody that resonates at anintimate level with the target, matching the frequency of his soul. Such a display can be very unsettling for those not prepared for it, and the players of those subjected must make a successful reflexive Willpower roll, difficulty 2, for their characters to do anything other than stare or scream in shocked terror as inescapable retribution comes calling.

So long as the target stays within the firing range of the martial artist's weapon, the attack supplemented by this charm cannot miss. Even if the character can move, the attack cannot be dodged and can only be parried if the target has Charms that enable him to parry insubstantial attacks.

Omniversal Empathy Approach
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Permanent
Minimum Socialize: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Heart's Secrets Extraction

There are countless dimensions of nature and personality that can serve as barriers to understanding between two beings. Beyond creed or language, class, geography or species, however, lies the ultimate stratifying component of Creation: Essence. Differences in understanding and mastery of essence form the widest gulfs between Creation's inhabitants, and reaching across these chasms, to contemplate the more enlightened forms of thought and motivation is rarely impossible. It is this final barrier to understanding others that this charm serves to lift.

For the purpose of all Socialize charms requiring a Perception+Socialize roll, the Exalt adds her Compassion to her permanent Essence rating in order to determine what target's are subject to her social insight. This charm permanently enhances the Exalt's capabilities.

Shrewd Maven's Insight
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Socialize: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Friend of a Friend Style

A peerless student of hidden authority and subtle intrigue, an Exalt with this charm may unravel with a glance inter-personal puzzles that would take anyone else hours of study to divine. This charm permanently modifies its prerequisites Understanding the Court, Lovers and Friends Approach, and Friend of a Friend Style, reducing the time scale of those charms from days to turns.

Author-Comprehending Insight
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Permanent
Minimum Linguistics: 2
Minimum Essence: 2
Prerequisite Charms: Sagacious Reading of Intent

This charm allows the exalt to treat any written communication they read as spoken conversation for the purpose of any charm that requires them to converse with the target in order to gain some understanding of them. This applies to a number of Investigation charms, including Judge's Ear Technique and Unspoken Words Extraction, as well as those Socialize charms that provide insight into the thoughts and intentions of those the exalt interacts with. Note that, in most cases, only charms which affect single targets may apply, though in the case of collective authorship, charms such as Understanding the Court may be used on a group of writers. This charm permanently enhances the exalt's capabilities.

Crystalline Essence Prana
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Resistance: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Essence-Hardened Form

The Essence of the character's anima becomes hard and tangible, providing enduring protection against all harm. Whenever her anima banner activated by the expenditure of Essence, the exalt adds +2L/+2B to her soak for each level of brilliance. This charm does not need to be activated; it permanently enhances the exalt's abilities (though it only serves a function when the exalt's anima is alight).

Transcendent Auric Form
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Permanent
Minimum Resistance: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Perfected Golden Body

This charm hardens the Exalt's flesh and bones to an astonishing degree, expanding on the effects of Perfected Golden Body. This charm renders the effects of its prerequisite permanent, reducing the minimum damage of all attacks made against the Exalt to one die.

Unconquered Orichalcum Approach
Cost: 6 motes, 1 Willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Reflexive
Minimum Resistance: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Perfected Golden Body, Unflinching Diamond Meditation

By the use of this charm, the exalt is rendered as constant and immutable as the holy metal of the Unconquered Sun. She ignores completely all damage and detriment from any one attack, action or effect that might serve to harm, influence or otherwise change her. No peril of any sort, be it physical or mental, social or spiritual, may touch her until the instant of utter invulnerability has passed.

SI Characters?

Page last modified on April 04, 2010, at 01:12 PM