SI Characters?

Kai Buckthorn Follower Dawn
Shopgirl turned Swordswoman Nexus Ring of blades
Vin Sol Invictus 124/134
Strength4 Charisma4 Perception2
Dexterity6 Manipulation2 Intelligence2
Stamina4 Appearance4 Wits4
ABILITIES (25, 10 from Caste/Favored, min 1 in each Favored)
Archery *  Endurance2 Craft2
Brawl *2 Performance *5 Investigation 
Martial Arts *  Presence3 Lore 
Melee *5 Resistance *3 Medicine 
Thrown *1 Survival  Occult *3
Athletics *4 Bureaucracy *3 AbilityRating
Awareness2 Linguistics    
Dodge2 Ride    
Larceny  Sail    
Stealth1 Socialize2   
Linguistics: Native; Learned,
x x x x x | x x x - -  XXConviction**
  Peripheral:56+10 Radiant
Limit Break Committed: Temperance***
- - - - - | - - - - -  0/23 Pers; 10/56 PeriValor****
CalculationsPersonal=(3x Ess) + WP
 Peripheral=7xEss + WP + (sum of virtues)
Anima Banner: 
Virtue Flaw - Foolhardy Contempt
Limit Break Condition: 
Kai risks gaining limit when fighting against losing odds, challenged to single combat, or is otherwise fiven opportunity to prove her valor.
BACKGROUNDS (7)valuenotes
Contacts**Folks around the marketplace in Nexus.
Familiar*****Mishkin, a lion-tailed macaque.
Mentor*****Very mysterious!
Initiative:10 Soak (L/B):(7/9)Mobility:-0
  ARMOR:Armor (4/2)w/ Armor (11/11)Fatigue: 0
ESSENCE REGAIN8/hour4/hour0/hour
w/ HEARTHSTONE/hour/hour/hour
HEALTH LEVELS (13)0124Incapacitated
((/*xX))[ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ] [ ] [ ][ ][ ]
Base attack roll - 12 (dex 6 melee 5 acc 1)
Base attack roll - 14 (dex 6 melee 5 acc 4 offhand -1)
CHARM DESCRIPTIONS (10, min 5 from Caste or Favored)
<b>Charms</b> - page # - type - cost
<center><i>--sword summoning--</i></center>
<b>Retrieve the Fallen weapon</b> - Pg. 163 - Simple - 1 mote
Instant. Calls the Exalt's weapon back to her hand.
<b>Summon the Loyal Steel</b> - Pg. 164 - Reflexive - 1 mote
Instant. The Exalt causes her weapon to appear instantly in her hand. Similarly, she can banish it to elsewhere.
<b>Glorious Solar Sabre</b> - Pg. 164 - Simple - 5 motes, 1 will
Instant. The Exalt creates a weapon out of pure light.
<b>Magnificent Sunblade Style</b> - Sol - Special - n/a
Permanent. Enhances a Glorious Solar Sabre.
<center><i>--dual weilding--</i></center>
<b>Dual-Slaying Stance</b> - CB:N Pg.? - Reflexive - 1 mote
Instant. Removes -1 penalty for dual-weilding, and reduces multiple action penalties by 2 for a single attack while dual-weilding. Can be used up to (Melee) times per turn.
<b>Sun-and-Moon Method</b> - CB:N Pg.? - Extra action - 2 motes
Instant. The Exalt may make two attacks, two parrys, or one of each in a turn if dual-weilding.
<b>Two Swords Technique</b> - CB:N Pg.? - Reflexive - 4 motes
Scene. The rates of the Exalt's weapons are added together for the duration of the scene. Additionally, if she aborts to a parry, she may parry every attack that turn with her full Dex+Melee pool, with no -1 penalty.
<b>Sword-Dancer Style</b> - Sol - Simple - 8 motes, 1 will
Scene. For the remainder of the scene, whenever the Exalt takes a Melee attack or parry action as a standard dice action, she receives a free Melee action. At any time during the same turn, she may make a reflexive attack or parry action with a dicepool equal to the base, unmodified dicepool of the original attack or parry.
The Exalt only receives this Charm's effects while armed with two Melee weapons; the character cannot make use of already earned extra actions and cannot gain new ones while holding fewer weapons, though the effects return immediately if she rearms herself. In addition, the character must maintain the swift, fluid motions of the style; if the character takes no Melee action during any given turn, the Charm's effects end immediately. Finally, the character cannot make use of any other combat abilities to attack or block while the Charm is in effect.
<b>Golden Essence Block</b> - Pg. 166 - Reflexive - 1 mote/2dice
Instant. The Exalt adds 2 dice per mote to a parry, up to her melee pool per attack.
<b>Dipping Swallow Defense</b> - Pg. 166 - Reflexive - 2 motes
Instant. The Exalt may use her full Dex+Melee pool to parry any one incoming hand-to-hand attack of which she is aware.
<b>Bulwark Stance</b> - Pg. 166 - Reflexive - 5 motes
Round. Until her next turn, the Exalt may parry any attack of which she is aware with her full Dex+Melee pool, so long as the sttack has a physical component and is not unblockable.
<b>Fivefold Bulwark Stance</b> - Pg. 167 - Simple - 5 motes, 1 will
Scene. As <i>Bulwark Stance</i>, but for a full scene.
<b>Heavenly Guardian Defense</b> - Pg. 166 - Reflexive - 3 motes, 1 will
Instant. The Exalt perfectly blocks one attack of which she is aware.
<b>Invilnerable Redoubt Method </b> - Pg. - - motes
<b>Singing Blade Barrier Stance </b> - Pg. SI - Simple - 6 motes, 1 will
Scene. Adds (Essence) sucesses to all parries for the scene.
<b>Unyielding Adamant Defense </b> - Pg. SI - Reflexive - 8 motes 1 will
One Turn. The Exalt may block (Essence) attacks this turn, as long as they are not unblockable. This charm may be included in a combo.
<b>Excellent Strike</b> - Pg. 162 - Supplemental - 1 mote/die
Instant. Adds one die per more to an attack, up to Dex+Melee.
<b>Hungry Tiger Technique </b> - Pg. 163 - Supplemental - 1 mote
Instant. Extra sucesses on an attack count twice for purposes of determining damage dice.
<b>Iron Whirlwind Attack </b> - Pg. 163 - Extra Action - 5 motes, 1 will
The Exalt makes (Dexterity) attacks this turn. May not split action(s)
<b>Undaunted Weapon Technique</b> - Sol - Supplemental - 2 motes
Instant. The Exalt's attack igonres penalties from illusion, visibility, shield, or cover.
<b>Serpent Strike Technique</b> - Sol - Supplemental - 3 motes
Instant. Adds (Dex+Melee) dice to a single attack.
<b>Steel Symphony Stance</b> - Sol - Simple - 5 motes, 1 will
Scene. Adds (melee) dice to all attacks for duration
<b>Terrestrial Circle Sorcery</b> - Pg. 191 - Simple - 1 will
Instant. The Exalt may cast spells from the First, or Terrestrial, Circle of sorcery.
<b>Shadowlands Circle Necromancy</b> - Abyssal Pg.? - Simple - 1 will
What? What's this doing here? This must be some kind of mistake.
<b>Ox Body Technique</b> - Pg. 170 - Special - N/A
Permanent. Adds one -0 Health level.
<b>Ox Body Technique (II)</b> - Pg. 170 - Special - N/A
Permanent. Adds one -1 and two -2 health levels.
<b>Ox Body Technique (III) </b> - Pg. 170 - Special - N/A
Permanant. Adds two -1 health levels.
<b>Radiant Essence Technique</b> - Sol - Speical - N/A
Permanent. The Exalt has access to an additional 10 points of Peripheral Essence, which regenerate only in direct sunlight at a rate of 2 motes/hr.
<b>Essence-Gathering Temper </b> - Pg. 171 - Reflexive - 1 mote
Instant. When hit, the Exalt may roll (gross damage) dice, and gain that much Essence, to a max of (Stamina)
<b>Sensory Acuity Prana</b> - Pg. 196 - Simple - 5 motes
Scene. Boosts the Exalt's senses, adding (Essence) dice to her Awareness.
<b>Graceful Crane Stance</b> - Pg. 193 - Reflexive - 3 motes
Scene. The Exalt gains near-perfect balance, and can stand on things far too narrow and weak to normally support her.
<b>Lightning Speed</b> - Pg. 193 - Reflexive - 1 mote
Turn. Doubles the character's sprinting distance for a turn, with no risk of becoming winded.
<b>Leaping Tiger Attack</b> - Pg. 194 - Supplemental - 3 motes, 1 will
Instant. The Exalt performs an attack at high speed, dealing double damage (after soak, before rolling).
The Exalt must be able to move freely to perform this attack. <i>Leaping Tiger Attack</i> may be comboed with Charms of other abilities.
<b>Increasing Strength Exercise </b> - Pg. 195 - Simple - 3 motes/dot
Scene. For every three motes of essence spent, the Exalt's strength increases by one, to a maximum increase of (essence).
<b>Masterful Performance Exercise</b> - Pg. 174 - Supplemental - 2 motes/success
Instant. The Exalt may buy additional successes on a Cha+Perform roll, up to (Essence+number of successes rolled).
<b>Heart-Compelling Method </b> - Pg. 174 - Supplemental - 6 motes 1 will
Scene. The Exalt may attempt to inflict an emotion on an audience. (Man+Perf) vs. (will).
<b>Harmonious Presence Meditation </b> - Pg. 175 - Simple - 6 motes
One hour. The Exalt adds (Essence) dice to Socialize, Presence, and Bureaucracy rolls for and one-on-one interactions.
<b>Deft Official's Way</b> - Pg. 204 - Simple - 6 motes
One task. The Exalt may add (Essence) success to any Bureaucracy roll when working on a given task.
<b>Frugal Merchant Method</b> - Pg. 203 - Simple - 1 mote
Instant. Allows the Exalt to quickly evaluate the quality of goods offered for sale.
<b>Alcohol-Resisting Prana</b> - CB: Z Pg. 73 - Simple - 1 mote
Scene. Nullifies peanalties accrued due to alcohol consumption (though not the euphoric effects).
<b>Drunken Warrior Technique</b> - CB: Z Pg. 73 - Reflexive - 2 motes
Instant. Makes (lower of [number of drinks consumed] or [Endurance+Resistance]) dice available to add to any attack, dodge, or parry during a turn. Must be invoked for each action.
Note that <i>Drunken Warrior Technique</i> does not nullify the effects of alcohol consumption, though it does work in conjunction with <i>Alcohol-Resisting Prana</i>.
<b>Durability of Oak Method</b> - Pg.176 - Simple - 1 mote/2 dice rolled
Scene. Adds (successes rolled) points to the Exalt's bashing soak. Up to (Sta+Resistance) may be rolled at a cost of one mote per two dice. This may be done multiple times per scene, but the maximum add is (Sta+Resistance).
<b>Essence-Hardened Form</b> - Sol - Special - N/A
Permanent. Adds (Essence) points to the Exalt's soak.
Legendary DexterityIncreases maximum Dexterity by one.
EnemyHe's no fun, I'll tell you that.
Probably Kai's most valuable mundane posession.
<b>Worn Breastplate</b>
This simple bronze armor definitely appears to have been around the block a few times. In fact, the front and back plates don't even match. It also doesn't fit Kai very well.
<b>Battered Helm</b>
A conical bronze helmet with a noseguard. Simple, suprizingly elegant design, with brass trimming. There is a noticible dent around the crown area, and a small gash along the right cheek guard.
Kai's sword has a straight, narrow blade (think Tai Chi sword) of dark metal, possibly iron. The blade is worn, with many chips and gouges, and bears a set of runes in dark faded red. The hilt is wrapped in plain leather, with a ring-shaped pommel.
<b>combo 1</b>
Golden Essence Block (ref, 1m/2die) + Dipping Swallow Defense (ref, 2 motes) + Vengeful Riposte (ref, 1 mote) + Corrosive Parry (ref, attackers weapon damage + 1 motes)
Total: variable
<b>combo 2</b>
Heavenly Guardian Defense (ref, 3 motes 1 will) + Attunement-Breaking Block (ref, 6 motes 1 will)
Total: 9 motes, 2 will
<b>combo 3</b>
Iron Whirlwind Attack (Extra, 5 motes, 1 will) + Hungry Tiger Technique (sup, 1 mote/attack) + Unyielding Adamant Defense (ref, 8 motes, 1 will) + Essence-Gathering Temper (1 mote)
Total: variable

SI Characters?

Page last modified on July 21, 2007, at 02:12 PM