
Cerin's Todo List

General Things

  • Include details of the crimes in the notes left when I vanish people.
  • Find the Orrery Of Light (assuming it isn't in Imrama's box)
  • Find the Lacuna.
  • Learn sorcery?

Rebuild the Shadows Resplendent

  • Find suitable candidates amongst Solarians
  • Find Saraya Dos
  • Find Astoria Tres
    • Apologise
    • Offer Job
  • Make Ninja
    • What do proto-ninja look like?

Places to visit

  • Varex
    • potential clues for Astoria Tres
    • Where Ymir spent her early post-Exaltation life
  • Vichnaya Lake
    • ???
  • Therembold
    • Perhaps with friends
  • The Nightshade
    • Steal desk

People to See

  • Ssithumi
  • Imrama
    • Talk about skyships
    • Demons
  • Zee
    • Demonic Gardener
    • A trip somewhere
  • Talk with Birds about Geisha.


Page last modified on February 02, 2009, at 04:47 AM