< Murder, He Drew | Sol Invictus Logs | Faith and Trust >

Summary: Lucent speaks with Kai inside the Solars' new decoy home.


Kai sits in her room at the Circle's newly constructed palace, playing some tunes for Birds' poetry on her mandolin, and occasionally sampling from a bowl of Chayan fruit, while it remains available.

Lucent comes to the door, knocking on it five times, and waiting

Kai "Enter," Kai calls.

Lucent comes in, taking a few tentative steps, "I am not interrupting anything, am I?"

Kai "No, Luc, come in. Have you tried these Chayan fruits? They're wonderful."

Lucent "No, not really! Spent a long time with the Guard up to now, preparing them for war. Hard not to tell them just what is going to happen, but being we are... well, where we are, it does not take much to put them on guard." He says, picking one of the fruits, taking a bite... and closing his eyes. "Hmmm... so juicy.. my hard to find things like those in the South..."

Kai "I'm kind of sad we're destroying all the trees..."

Lucent "Yes, it is. But... nessessary, right?" He sighs, sitting down. "That is partly why I came to talk to you. That sort of thought seems to not go through the other's minds... I can understand Zahara, even if she cares, an Empress has to make hard decisions, but, the others..."

Kai "Well, Zahara is cold by nature. Someone made off with most of her more pleasant emotions when she was younger..." Kai pauses for a moment, as if thinking of something, before going on. "Thirteen thinks only in strategy, so him I understand as well... And Cerin, well, Cerin is another of the 'do what must be done' school. And then there's Birds." She smiles. "I think Birds is what keeps the whole thing from being comp

Kai "I think Birds is what keeps the whole thing from being completely evil."

Lucent stops in the middle of a bite. A drop of juice begins to run down his jaw as he puts the large red fruit down, but he touches it, and it disappears, wholly, his young face immaculate again. "Well... Zahara is distant, Thirteen infuriates me, Cerin frightens me... I have no idea what to think of Birds... only that she does good cookies... but..."

Lucent "... you would call them evil?"

Lucent stops in the middle of a bite. A drop of juice begins to run down his jaw as he puts the large red fruit down, but he touches it, and it disappears, wholly, his young face immaculate again. "Well... Zahara is distant, Thirteen infuriates me, Cerin frightens me... I have no idea what to think of Birds... only that she does good cookies... but..."

Lucent "... you would call them evil?"

brasslantern "Oh, no! There's definitely a conscience in there... somewhere... But I fear what would become of them without Birds."

Lucent "Funny thing... I came in today to ask many things, among them 'do you trust them?'"

Lucent "I am not sure how that replies the question.."

Lucent "Aside from the fact I will need to talk more to Birds, and not just to ask for more cookies!"

brasslantern laughs. "I trust them, in terms of the whole affair with the Lily and the Seals, as long as we are with them."

Lucent "As long as we are on our side, they are trustworthy..." He picks the fruit again. Bites. Munches. Thinks... "Not like you have any choice in both matters, or me in the former... not having a choice frightens me even more, really."

Lucent notices he did not leave her much to respond to... "How did you even get together with them? You come from way before all this, right?"

brasslantern "Actually, the war was pretty well on when they found me in Nexus. I was in... a bit of trouble when Cerin and Marku ran across me."

Lucent "What sort, if I may ask? Oh, and... is the place half as foul as people say?"

charlequin hm

charlequin I think the upsmonster ate pigeon

Kai "Oh, there are a lot of people after the sword," she nods toward Daybreaker, which leans against the wall, "and that was the first time they came after me, personally. As for this place? I've never been before. It seems pleasant enough... But it's Lai's power, and he's dangerous, to everyone."

Lucent "Well, I meant Nexus. Plenty of legends around the road about it!"

Kai 'Oh, Nexus is lovely... if you know your way around."

Lucent "Hmmm... I am sure I would not. But ah well. You know, at least I am happy it will be you leading the forces into battle. I train them, inspire them, but in the end they defer to your command, right? And you are certainly more human than Thirteen..."

Kai "Well, I WILL try to avoid getting them ALL killed..."

Lucent "Heeeeeeyyyy! Don't even joke about that!"

Lucent reaches for a fruit to throw at Kai, then stops. /Silly me.../

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Page last modified on February 04, 2009, at 12:09 AM